Mitten, W. 1879: Musci, botany of Rodrigeuz. In: Hooker, J.D.; Günther, A. (ed.). An account of the petrological, botanical, and zoological collections made in Kerguelen's land and Rodriguez during hte Transit of Venus Expedition carried out by order of her Majesty's Government in the years 1874–75. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 168 (extra volume): 388–396.

Mitten, W. 1879: Musci, botany of Rodrigeuz. In: Hooker, J.D.; Günther, A. (ed.). An account of the petrological, botanical, and zoological collections made in Kerguelen's land and Rodriguez during hte Transit of Venus Expedition carried out by order of her Majesty's Government in the years 1874–75. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 168 (extra volume): 388–396.
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8 August 2017
8 August 2017