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Takamatsu, Susumu; Ito (Arakawa), Hanako; Shiroya, Yoshiaki; Kiss, Levente; Heluta, Vasyl 2015: First comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the genus Erysiphe (Erysiphales, Erysiphaceae) II: the Uncinula lineage. Mycologia 107(5): 903-914.

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Takamatsu, Susumu; Ito (Arakawa), Hanako; Shiroya, Yoshiaki; Kiss, Levente; Heluta, Vasyl 2015: First comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the genus Erysiphe (Erysiphales, Erysiphaceae) II: the Uncinula lineage. Mycologia 107(5): 903-914.

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Within this herbaceous host group, four species collected in the southern hemisphere (viz. E. balbisiae, E. acaenae, E. frickii, E. carpophilla) grouped into a clade. Erysiphe acaenae, E. frickii and Erysiphe sp. on Potentilla collected in Argentina had identical rDNA sequences, although they were described as different species and infect different plant genera in the Rosaceae. In addition, a sequence deposited in DNA databases as E. carpophila on Weinmannia silvicola from New Zealand also has an ITS sequence identical to the above sequences. Weinmannia silvicola is a woody plant, a native of New Zealand belonging to the Cunoniaceae. It is curious that this fungus has a sequence identical to the fungi on rosaceous hosts from South America.

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24 September 2018
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