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Schroers, H.-J.; Baayen, R.P.; Meffert, J.P.; de Gruyter, J.; Hooftman, M.; O'Donnell, K. 2004: Fusarium foetens, a new species pathogenic to begonia elatior hybrids (Begonia × hiemalis) and the sister taxon of the Fusarium oxysporum species complex. Mycologia 96(2): 393-406.

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Schroers, H.-J.; Baayen, R.P.; Meffert, J.P.; de Gruyter, J.; Hooftman, M.; O'Donnell, K. 2004: Fusarium foetens, a new species pathogenic to begonia elatior hybrids (Begonia × hiemalis) and the sister taxon of the Fusarium oxysporum species complex. Mycologia 96(2): 393-406.

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13 June 2008
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