Given, D.R. 1972: The Infra-specific Taxonomy of Celmisia spectabilis Hook.f. (Compositae: Astereae). New Zealand Journal of Botany 10: 180–194.

Given, D.R. 1972: The Infra-specific Taxonomy of Celmisia spectabilis Hook.f. (Compositae: Astereae). New Zealand Journal of Botany 10: 180–194.
Woody-based herb with branchlets arising from a simple or multicipital stock, usually hidden; living leaves in rosettes at the tips of branchlets, the whole forming a cushion or mat; leaf sheaths densely imbricate and compacted, forming a pseudostem. Leaf lamina (3)-13- (30) × (0.3)-2-(4.5)cm, usually coriaceous, usually lanceolate-oblong but in some forms ovate or linear-oblong; upper surfaces shining and sulcate; lower surface densely covered in soft felted tomentum, midrib distinct; tip acute, margins entire and recurved, occasionally minutely toothed. Petiole thin with evident veins. Sheath 10-25-(40) × 15-20 mm often clad in floecose white hairs and pigmented. Scape densely clad in floccose white hairs, stout, up to 30 cm long, bracteate, monocephalous. Ray florets 40-100, ligulate, white. Disc florets 60-200, 5-9 mm long, funneliform; tube glabrous or with scattered uniseriate or biseriate hairs. Achene cylindric-fusiform, grooved, 1.5-6.5 mm long, glabrous or glabrate; hairs if present bifid. Pappus hairs 5-9 mm long, barbellate.
Plant forming mats or cushions 20-40-(100)cm diameter. Leaf lamina (3)-9-(18) × (0.3)-1.5-(3) cm, ratio of width to length 0.09-0.27; tomentum pale buff to brown; lamina base angled. Sheath green to deep purple. Corolla of disc florets rarely hairy. Achene usually glabrous.
Plant forming mats up to 1.5 m across. Leaf lamina 7-24 × 0.9-3 cm, ratio of width to length + 0.10; abaxial tomentum very pale, almost white; lamina base usually attenuate. Corolla of disc florets and achenes as in variety magnifica.
Plant forming mats up to 2 m across. Leaf lamina (7)—17—(29) × (1)-2-(4.5)cm, ratio of width to length 0.10-0.18; abaxial tomentum pale buff; lamina base cuneate to cuneate-truncate. Sheath green to pale purple. Corolla of disc florets often with uniseriate and biseriate hairs, rarely glabrous. Achene usually hairy.
Cited scientific names
29 May 2018