
Cited scientific names
Related references
- 1979: Asplenium lucidum Forst. f., an illegitimate name for the New Zealand shining spleenwort. Taxon 17(2): 217–218.
- Adolphi, K.; Seybold, S.; Johnson, A. S. 1989: (952) Proposal to conserve 8878 Brachycome Cass. (Asteraceae). Taxon 38: 511–513.
- Albach, D.C. 2008: Further arguments for the rejection of paraphyletic taxa: Veronica subgen. Pseudolysimachium (Plantaginaceae). Taxon 57: 1–6.
- Albach, D.C.; Martínez-Ortega, M.M.; Fischer, M.A.; Chase, M.W. 2004: A new classification of the tribe Veroniceae—problems and a possible solution. Taxon 53: 429–452.
- Alfarhan, A.H.; Sivadasan, M.; Thomas, J. 2009: (1912) Proposal to conserve the name Loxsoma (Loxsomataceae). Taxon 58(4): 1370–1371.
- Alonso, M.; Jiménez, J.A.; Nylinder, S.; Hedenäs, L.; Cano, M.J. 2016: Disentangling generic limits in Chionoloma, Oxystegus, Pachyneuropsis and Pseudosymblepharis (Bryophyta: Pottiaceae): An inquiry into their phylogenetic relationships. Taxon 65(1): 3–18.
- Alston, A.H.G. 1956: The Subdivision of the Polypodiaceae. Taxon 5: 23–25.
- Andrés-Sánchez, S.; Galbany-Casals, M.; Rico, E.; Montserrat Martínez-Ortega, M. 2011: A nomenclatural treatment for Logfia Cass. and Filago L. (Asteraceae) as newly circumscribed: Typification of several names. Taxon 60(2): 572–576.
- Applequist, W.L. 2016: Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Vascular Plants: 68. Taxon 65: 1153–1165.
- Armada, J.; Barra, A. 1992: On Aloysia Palau (Verbenaceae). Taxon 41: 88–90.
- Articus, K. 2004: Neuropogon and the Phylogeny of Usnea s.l. (Parmeliaceae, Lichenized Ascomycetes). Taxon 53(4): 925–934.
- Bakhuizen, v.d.B. 1955: Nomenclatural note on Dammara Link and Agathis Salisb. Taxon 4: 195–196.
- Banasiak, Ł.; Wojewódzka, A.; Baczyński, J.; Reduron, J.-P.; Piwczyński, M.; Kurzyna-Młynik, R.; Gutaker, R.; Czarnocka-Cieciura, A.; Kosmala-Grzechnik, S.; Spalik, K. 2016: Phylogeny of Apiaceae subtribe Daucinae and the taxonomic delineation of its genera. Taxon 65(3): 563–585.
- Banfi, E.; Galasso, G.; Foggi, B.; Kopecký, D.; Ardenghi, N.M.G. 2017: From Schedonorus and Micropyropsis to Lolium (Poaceae: Loliinae): New combinations and typifications. Taxon 66(3): 708–717.
- Barkworth, M.E. 1990: Nassella (Gramineae, Stipeae): revised interpretation and nomenclatural changes. Taxon 39: 597–614.
- Barlow, B.A.; Wiens, D. 1971: The cytogeography of the Loranthaceous mistletoes. Taxon 20: 291–312.
- Bartholomew, B.; Nicolson, D.H.; Nordenstam, B. 1997: Author citation of Thunberg’s new species in Murray’s Systema vegetabilium, ed. 14. Taxon 46: 311–314.
- Belcher, R.O. 1992: Rediscovery of Senecio australis Willd. (Asteraceae) after nearly two centuries. Taxon 41: 235–252.
- Bell, N E.; Pedersen, N.; Newton, A.E. 2007: Ombronesus stuvensis, a new genus and species of the Ptychomniaceae (Bryophyta) from south west Chile. Taxon 56: 887–896.
- Bell, N.E.; Pedersen, N.; Newton, A.E. 2007: Ombronesus stuvensis, a New Genus and Species of the Ptychomniaceae (Bryophyta) from South West Chile. Taxon 56: 887–896.
- Belyaeva, I.V. 2009: Nomenclature of Salix fragilis L. and a new species, S. euxina (Salicaceae). Taxon 58(4): 1344–1348.
- Blanco, O.; Crespo, A.; Elix, J.A.; Hawksworth, D.L.; Lumbsch, H.T. 2004: A molecular phylogeny and a new classification of parmelioid lichens containing Xanthoparmelia-type lichenan (Ascomycota: Lecanorales). Taxon 53: 959–975.
- Bohs, L. 1995: Transfer of Cyphomandra (Solanaceae) and its species to Solanum. Taxon 44: 583–587.
- Borsch, T.; Löhne, C.; Wiersema, J. 2008: Phylogeny and evolutionary patterns in Nymphaeales: Integrating genes, genomes and morphology. Taxon 57(4): 1052–1081.
- Bosman, M.T.M. 1986: Original Microsorum vs. later Microsorium (Polypodiaceae). Taxon 35: 590–591.
- Brownsey, P.J.; Perrie, L.R. 2017: (2493) Proposal to conserve the name Asplenium richardii with a conserved type. Taxon 66: 3–4.
- Brummit, R.K. 1998: Report of the Committee for Spermatophyta: 47 . Taxon 47(4): 863–872.
- Brummit, R.K. 2010: Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Vascular Plants: 61. Taxon 59(4): 1271–1277.
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- Bruyns, P.V.; Mapaya, R.J.; Hedderson, T 2006: A new subgeneric classification for Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) in southern Africa based on ITS and psbA-trnH sequence data. Taxon 55(2): 397–420.
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- Caddick,L.R.; Wilkin,P.; Hedderson,T.A.J.; Chase, M.W. 2002: Yams reclassified: a recircumscription of Dioscoreaceae and Dioscoreales. Taxon 51: 103–114.
- Cano, M.J.; Gallego, M.T. 2003: Lectotypification of twenty names of taxa referable to Tortula Hedw. (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta). . Taxon 52: 611–618.
- Cecchi, L.; Coppi, A.; Hilger, H.H.; Selvi, F. 2014: Non-monophyly of Buglossoides (Boraginaceae: Lithospermeae): Phylogenetic and morphological evidence for the expansion of Glandora and reappraisal of Aegonychon. Taxon 63(5): 1065–1078.
- Chambers, H.L.; Hummer, K. E. 1993: Chromosome counts in the Mentha collection at the USDA-ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository. Taxon 43: 423–432.
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- ChenChen, J.-H.; Sun, J.H.; Wen J.; Yang Y.-P. 2010: Molecular phylogeny of Salix L. (Salicaceae) inferred from three chloroplast datasets and its systematic implications. Taxon 54(2): 555–556.
- Chinnock, R.J. 1976: The identification, typification and origin of Tmesipteris tannensis. Taxon 25: 115–121.
- Christensen, K.I.; Jonsell, B. 2005: Proposal to conserve the name Salix fragilis with a conserved type (Salicaceae). Taxon 54(2): 555–556.
- Clayton, W.D. 1968: The correct name of the common reed. Taxon 17(2): 168–169.
- Connor, H.E.; Edgar, E. 1974: Names and Types in Cortaderia Stapf (Gramineae). Taxon 23: 595–605.
- Connor, H.E.; Edgar, E. 1981: Argument against rejection of Plinthanthesis Steud. (Poaceae) (Prop. 520). Taxon 30: 657–659.
- Craven, L.A.; Edwards, R.D.; Cowley, K.J. 2014: New combinations and names in Melaleuca (Myrtaceae). Taxon 63(3): 663–670.
- Crespo, A.; Kauff, F.; Divakar, P.; del Prado, R.; Pérez-Ortega, S.; Amo de Paz, G.; Ferencova, Z.; Blanco, O.; Roca-Valiente, B.; Núñez-Zapata,J.; Cubas, P.; Argüello, A.; Elix, J.A.; Esslinger, T.L.; Hawksworth, D.L.; Ana Millanes, A.; Molina, M.C.; Wedin, M.; Ahti, T.; Aptroot, A.; Barreno, E.;Bungartz, F.; Calvelo, S.; Candan, M.; Cole, M.; Ertz, D.; Goffinet, B.; Lindblom, L.; Lücking, R.; Lutzoni, F.; Mattsson, J.-E.; Messuti, M.I.; Miadlikowska, J.; Piercey-Normore, M.; Rico, V.J.; SipmanH.J.M.; Schmitt, I.; Toby Spribille, T.; Thell, A.; Göran Thor, G.; Upreti, D.K.; Lumbsch, H.T. 2010: Phylogenetic generic classification of parmelioid lichens (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) based on molecular, morphological and chemical evidence. Taxon 59(6): 1735–1753.
- Cristofolini, G.; Troia, A. 2006: A reassessment of the sections of the genus Cytisus Desf. Taxon 55(3): 733–746.
- D'Arcy, W.G. 1970: Jacquin Names, Some Notes on Their Typification. Taxon 19(4): 554–560.
- de Lange, P.J.; Mosyakin, S.L.; Courtney, S.P.; Te Ahu Rei 2020: Proposal to conserve the name Pomaderris kumarahou (Rhamnaceae) with that spelling. Taxon 69(6): 1373–1375.
- De Smet, Y.; Granados Mendoza, C.; Wanke, W.; Goetghebeur, P.; Samain, M.-S. 2015: Molecular phylogenetics and new (infra)generic classification to alleviate polyphyly in tribe Hydrangeeae (Cornales: Hydrangeaceae). Taxon 64(4): 741–753.
- D'haijère, T.; Mardulyn, P.; Dong, L.; Plunkett, G.M.; Simo-Droissart, M.; Droissart, V.; Stévart, T. 2019: Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic synopsis of the angraecoid genus Ypsilopus (Orchidaceae, Vandeae). Taxon 68(3): 455–470.
- do Boer, H.; Newman, M.; Poulsen, A.D.; Droop, J.; Fér, T.; Hiền, L.T.T.; Hlavatá, K.; Lamxay, V.; Richardson, J.E.; Steffen, K.; Leong-Škorničková, J. 2018: Convergent morphology in Alpinieae (Zingiberaceae): recircumscribing Amomum as a monophyletic genus. Taxon 67(1): 6–36.
- Dorn, R.D. 1998: Proposal 1343: proposal to reject the name Salix fluviatilis (Salicaceae). Taxon 47(2): 459–460.
- Dressler, R.L. 1966: Nomenclatural notes on the Orchidaceae III. Taxon 15(6): 241–243.
- Drew, B.T.; González-Gallegos, J.G.; Xiang, C-L.; Kriebel, R.; Drummond, C.P.; Walker, J.B.; Sytsma, K.J. 2017: Salvia united: The greatest good for the greatest number. Taxon 66(1): 133–145.
- Earp, C. 2014: (2282) Proposal to conserve the name Griselinia G. Forst. (Griseliniaceae) against Griselinia Scop. (Fabaceae). Taxon 63(2): 438.
- Ebihara, A.; Hennequin, S.; Iwatsuki, K.; Bostock, P.D.; Matsumoto, S.; Jaman, R.; Dubuisson, J.-Y.; Ito, M. 2004: Polyphyletic origin of Microtrichomanes (Prantl) Cope. (Hymenophyllaceae), with a revision of the species . Taxon 53(4): 935–948.
- Edgar, E. 1968: Typification of Sporadanthus (Restionaceae). Taxon 17: 546.
- Edgar, E.; Philipson, W. R. A. 1977: Proposal to conserve the generic name Griselinia Forster f. (1786) against Griselinia Scop. (1777). Taxon 26: 594–595.
- Edwards, R.D.; Craven, L.A.; Crisp, M.D.; Cook, L.G. 2010: Melaleuca revisited: cpDNA and morphological data confirm that Melaleuca L. (Myrtaceae) is not monophyletic. Taxon 59: 744–754.
- Ehrendorfer, F.; Samuel, R. 2000: Comments on S. B. Hoot's interpretation of Southern Hemisphere relationships in Anemone (Ranunculaceae) based on molecular data [Amer. J-Bot. 87(6, suppl.): 154-155. 2000]. Taxon 49(4): 781–784.
- Eichler, H. 1963: Some New Names and New Combinations Relevant to the Australian Flora. Taxon 12: 295–297.
- Eiserhardt, W.L.; Rohwer, J.G.; Russell, S.J.; Yesilyurt, J.C.; Schneider, H. 2011: Evidence for radiations of cheilanthoid ferns in the Greater Cape Floristic Region. Taxon 60: 1269–1283.
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- Field, A.R.; Brownsey, P.J . 2019: (2700) Proposal to conserve the name Lycopodium mirabile (Phlegmariurus mirabilis) (Lycopodiaceae) with a conserved type. Taxon 68(4): 858–859.
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- Galbany-Casals, M.; Unwin, M.; Garcia-Jacas, N.; Smissen, R.D.; Susanna, A.; Bayer, R.J. 2014: Phylogenetic relationships in Helichrysum (Compositae: Gnaphalieae) and related genera: Incongruence between nuclear and plastid phylogenies, biogeographic and morphological patterns, and implications for generic delimitation. Taxon 63(2): 608–624.
- Gandhi, K.N.; Wiersema, J.H.; Soreng, R.J. 2001: Proposal to Conserve the Name Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Griffiths against B. gracilis Vasey (Poaceae). Taxon 50: 573–575.
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- Greuter, W.; Troia, A. 2014: (2292) Proposal to conserve the name Palhinhaea against Lepidotis (Lycopodiaceae). Taxon 63: 680–682.
- Grolle, R. & Zijlstra, G. 1984: On the nomenclature of Gottschea Nees ex Mont. 1843 (Schistochilaceae, Jungermanniales). Taxon 33: 87–93.
- Gueidan, C.; Savić, S.; Thüs, H.; Roux, C.; Keller, C.; Tibell, L.; Prieto, M.; Heiðmarsson, S.; Breuss, O.; Orange, A.; Fröberg, L.; Wynns, A.A.; Navarro-Rosinés, P.; Krzewicka, B.; Pykälä, J.; Grube, M.; Lutzoni, F. 2009: Generic classification of the Verrucariaceae (Ascomycota) based on molecular and morphological evidence: recent progress and remaining challenges. Taxon 58(1): 184–208.
- Guimarães, P.J.F.; Michelangeli, F.A.; Sosa, K.; Santiago Gómez, J.R. de 2019: Systematics of Tibouchina and allies (Melastomataceae: Melastomateae): A new taxonomic classification. Taxon 68(5): 937–1002.
- Gutiérrez-Larruscain, D.; Santos-Vicente, M.; Anderberg, A.A.; , E.; Martínez-Ortega, M.M. 2018: Phylogeny of the Inula group (Asteraceae: Inuleae): Evidence from nuclear and plastid genomes and a recircumscription of Pentanema. Taxon 67(1): 149–164.
- Hedenäs, L.; Isoviita, P. 1996: Proposals to conserve the names Hypnum plumosum and H. salebrosum (Brachytheciaceae, Musci) with conserved types. Taxon 45: 535–537.
- Henderson, R.F.J.; Clifford, H. T. 1984: A recircumscription of the Phormiaceae Agardh. Taxon 33: 423–427.
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- Jeffrey, C. 1979: Note on the lectotypification of the names Cacalia L., Matricaria L. and Gnaphalium L. Taxon 28: 349–351.
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- Kučera, J.; Košnar, J.; Werner, O. 2013: Partial generic revision of Barbula (Musci: Pottiaceae): Re-establishment of Hydrogonium and Streblotrichum, and the new genus Gymnobarbula . Taxon 62(1): 21–39.
- Labiak, P.H.; Mickel, J.T.; Hanks, J.G. 2015: Molecular phylogeny and character evolution of Anemiaceae (Schizaeales). Taxon 64: 1141–1158.
- Larraín, T.; Quandt, D.; Stech, M.; Muñoz, J. 2013: Lumping or splitting? The case of Racomitrium (Bryophytina: Grimmiaceae) . Taxon 62(6): 1117–1132.
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- Leroy, J.F. 1983: The origin of angiosperms: an unrecognized ancestral dicotyledon, Hedyosmum (Chloranthales), with a strobiloid flower is living today. Taxon 32: 169–175.
- Leuenberger, B.E. 1993: Interpretation and typification of Cactus opuntia L., Opuntia vulgaris Mill., and 0. humifusa (Rafin.) Rafin. (Cactaceae). Taxon 42: 419–429.
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- Lloyd, D.G. 1982: Variation and evolution of plant species on the outlying islands of New Zealand, with particular reference to Cotula featherstonii. Taxon 31: 478–487.
- Löhne, C.; Yoo, Mi-J.; Borsch, T.; Wiersema, J.H.; Wilde, V.; Bell, C.D.; Barthlott, W.; Soltis, D.E.; Soltis, P.S. 2008: Biogeography of Nymphaeales: extant patterns and historical events. Taxon 57(4): 1123–1146.
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- Manning, J.; Forest, F.; Vinnersten, A. 2007: The genus Colchicum L. redefined to include Androcymbium Willd. based on molecular evidence. Taxon 56(3): 872–882.
- Manning, J.C.; Forest, F.; Devey, D.S.; Fay, M.F.; Goldblatt, P. 2007: A molecular phylogeny and a revised classification of Ornithogaloideae (Hyacinthaceae) based on an analysis of four plastid DNA regions. Taxon 58(1): 77–107.
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- Mazumdar, J. 2019: (2723) Proposal to conserve the name Polypodium adiantiforme (Rumohra adiantiformis) against P. adianthoides (Dryopteridaceae). Taxon 68: 1365.
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9 December 2010