Meyrick, E. 1914: Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 46: 101-118.

Meyrick, E. 1914: Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 46: 101-118.
Cited scientific names
- Aletia obsecrata Meyrick, 1914
- Aletia sollennis Meyrick, 1914
- Argyroploce chlorosaris Meyrick, 1914
- Atomotricha chloronota Meyrick, 1914
- Atomotricha oeconoma Meyrick, 1914
- Atomotricha versuta Meyrick, 1914
- Bascantis Meyrick, 1914
- Bascantis sirenica Meyrick, 1914
- Catamacta chrysomela Meyrick, 1914
- Coridomorpha Meyrick, 1914
- Coridomorpha stella Meyrick, 1914
- Crypsitricha stereota (Meyrick, 1914)
- Dasyuris hexaleuca Meyrick, 1914
- Decadarchis laquearia Meyrick, 1914
- Doxophyrtis hydrocosma Meyrick, 1914
- Doxophyrtis Meyrick, 1914
- Endophthora stereota Meyrick, 1914
- Epichorista carcharodes Meyrick, 1914
- Epichorista persecta Meyrick, 1914
- Erechthias cimmeria Meyrick, 1914
- Glyphipterix calliactis Meyrick, 1914
- Harmologa allogama Meyrick, 1914
- Harmologa antitypa Meyrick, 1914
- Ichneutica sollennis (Meyrick, 1914)
- Mallobathra araneosa Meyrick, 1914
- Mallobathra globulosa Meyrick, 1914
- Mallobathra lapidosa Meyrick, 1914
- Phycomorpha metachrysa Meyrick, 1914
- Phycomorpha Meyrick, 1914
- Prothinodes lutata Meyrick, 1914
- Prothinodes Meyrick, 1914
- Reductoderces araneosa (Meyrick, 1914)
- Sabatinca rosicoma Meyrick, 1914
- Sagephora felix Meyrick, 1914
- Saropla austrina Meyrick, 1914
- Scoparia animosa Meyrick, 1914
- Trachypepla amphileuca Meyrick, 1914
- Trachypepla importuna Meyrick, 1914
- Trachypepla vinaria Meyrick, 1914
- Xanthorhoe benedicta Meyrick, 1914
22 September 2014
17 April 2015