Philpott, A. 1927: Notes and descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 58: 80-92.

Philpott, A. 1927: Notes and descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 58: 80-92.
Cited scientific names
- Atomotricha lewisi Philpott, 1927
- Borkhausenia enodis Philpott, 1927
- Borkhausenia grata Philpott, 1927
- Crambus ornatus Philpott, 1927
- Elachista sagittifera Philpott, 1927
- Epichorista speciosa Philpott, 1927
- Eutorna inornata Philpott, 1927
- Glyphipterix necopina Philpott, 1927
- Izatha florida Philpott, 1927
- Izatha milligani Philpott, 1927
- Izatha plumbosa Philpott, 1927
- Mallobathra cana Philpott, 1927
- Mallobathra tonnoiri Philpott, 1927
- Nepticula insignis Philpott, 1927
- Sabatinca heighwayi Philpott, 1927
- Scoparia autumna Philpott, 1927
- Scoparia oculata Philpott, 1927
- Thiotricha lindsayi Philpott, 1927
16 September 2014
29 April 2015