Walsh, N. G.; Coates, F. 1997: New taxa, new combinations and an infrageneric classification in Pomaderris (Rhamnaceae). Muelleria 10: 27–56.

Walsh, N. G.; Coates, F. 1997: New taxa, new combinations and an infrageneric classification in Pomaderris (Rhamnaceae). Muelleria 10: 27–56.
Taxonomic concepts
Pomaderris phylicifolia Lodd. ex Link
Pomaderris phylicifolia Lodd. ex Link subsp. phylicifolia
Pomaderris phylicifolia Lodd. ex Link var. phylicifolia
Pomaderris phylicifolia subsp. ericoides (Maiden & Betche) N.G.Walsh & F.Coates
Pomaderris phylicifolia var. ericifolia (Hook.) L.B.Moore
Pomaderris tainui Hector
Pubescent shrub 1-3 m tall. Leaves ovate, 30-60 mm long, 15-30 mm wwe; base obtuse; margins shallowly serrulate; apex obtuse; adaxial lamina wrinkled, sparsely pubescent with greyish stellate hairs; abaxial lamina densely pubescent with greyish (rarely rusty on veins) stellate hairs. Inflorescence of 20 to >50 flowers, pyramidal, terminal or upper-axillary, 5-15 cm long, 2-7 cm wide; bracts caducous; pedicels 1.5-2.5 mm long. Flowers cream, externally densely pubescent with greyish stellate hairs; hypanthium 1.25-2 mm in diameter, 1-1.5 mm long; sepals 1.8-2.1 mm long; stamens 1.5-2.5 mm long, erect; anthers 0.75-1 mm long; ovary virtually inferior, pubescent with long stellate hairs; style 1-1.5 mm long, branched in middle third. Fruit 3--4 mm long, blackish, obovoid to ovoid; apex obtuse; torus in middle third; operculum membranous, occupying most of inner face; seed 1.5-1.75 mm long.
Differt a subspecie typica foliis obtusis, ad bis longioribus quam latioribus, pagina supera pilis stellatis persistenctibus et in habitione maritima.
Identification keys
Key to subspecies of P. apetala
Leaves more than twice as long as wide, usually acute; upper surface glabrescent; plants generally of wet forests and gullies
Leaves up to twice as long as wide, obtuse; stellate hairs persisting on upper surface; plants of coastal dunes and cliffs
Reproduced with permission from http://www.rbg.vic.gov.au/research_and_conservation/publications/muelleriaMuelleria and the National Herbarium of Victoria.
Cited scientific names
- Pomaderris apetala Labill.
- Pomaderris apetala subsp. maritima N.G.Walsh & F.Coates
- Pomaderris ericifolia Hook.
- Pomaderris ericifolia Hook.
- Pomaderris Labill.
- Pomaderris phylicifolia G.Lodd.
- Pomaderris phylicifolia G.Lodd. subsp. phylicifolia
- Pomaderris phylicifolia G.Lodd. var. phylicifolia
- Pomaderris phylicifolia subsp. ericoides (Maiden & Betche) N.G.Walsh & F.Coates
- Pomaderris phylicifolia var. ericifolia (Hook.) L.B.Moore
- Pomaderris tainui Hector
24 May 2006