Ford, K.A. 2014: Taxonomic notes on the New Zealand flora: a new species of Centrolepis for New Zealand, Centrolepis glabra (F.Muell. ex Sonder) Hieron., and the taxonomic status of Centrolepis minima Kirk (Centrolepidaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany 52(2): 262–266.

Ford, K.A. 2014: Taxonomic notes on the New Zealand flora: a new species of Centrolepis for New Zealand, Centrolepis glabra (F.Muell. ex Sonder) Hieron., and the taxonomic status of Centrolepis minima Kirk (Centrolepidaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany 52(2): 262–266.
Taxonomic concepts
Alepyrum pallidum (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Centrolepis glabra (F.Muell. ex Sond.) Hieron.
Centrolepis pallida (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
Centrolepis strigosa (R.Br.) Roem. & Schult.
Devauxia glabra F.Muell. ex Sond.
Gaimardia minima sensu Cheeseman
Pseudalepyrum minimum (Kirk) Dandy
Pseudalepyrum pallidum (Hook.f.) Dandy
Cited scientific names
- Alepyrum muelleri Hook.f.
- Alepyrum pallidum (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Centrolepidaceae Endl.
- Centrolepis glabra (F.Muell. ex Sond.) Hieron.
- Centrolepis Labill.
- Centrolepis minima Kirk
- Centrolepis pallida (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Centrolepis strigosa (R.Br.) Roem. & Schult.
- Devauxia glabra F.Muell. ex Sond.
- Gaimardia minima sensu Cheeseman
- Gaimardia pallida Hook.f.
- Pseudalepyrum minimum (Kirk) Dandy
- Pseudalepyrum pallidum (Hook.f.) Dandy
7 November 2013
1 July 2014