Clements, M.A.; Hatch, E. D. 1985: Corybas acuminatus (Orchidaceae) -- a new name for the species previously considered to be Corybas rivularis. New Zealand Journal of Botany 23: 491–494.

Clements, M.A.; Hatch, E. D. 1985: Corybas acuminatus (Orchidaceae) -- a new name for the species previously considered to be Corybas rivularis. New Zealand Journal of Botany 23: 491–494.
Plant at flowering up to 6 cm high. Leaf sessile, up to 4 cm long × 2 cm broad, ovateacuminate, repand, cordate at the base; light green above, silvery below, with conspicuous reddish veining. Leaves of young plants reniform or broadly cordate, apiculate, without the reddish veining. Floral bract shortly caudate, secondary bract subulate. Flower usually solitary, sessile, more or less translucent, with dull red striae. Dorsal sepal up to 4 cm long, extended into a horizontal filiform cauda. Lateral sepals filiform, erect and very long, exceeding the flower by as much as 6 cm. Petals similar, smaller, horizontal or deflexed. Labellum with 2 rounded auricles at the base; lamina expanded, abruptly deflexed, mucronate, the margins irregularly fimbriate or entire. Column hidden in the flower, very short, with a large basal callus; Column-wings minutely denticulate and exceeding the anther; stigma orbicular, pollinia 4, massulate. Seeding peduncle up to 18 cm high.
Herba perennis usque ad 6 cm alta; folio unico, sessili polymorpho renifqrmi vel cordiformi et acuminato; floribus parvis sessilibus brunneis aliquantum translucentibus; sepalis lateralibus petalisque filiformibus; sepalo dorsale cucullato acuminato vel filiformi; labello infundibulari marginibus levito fimbriatis, columna breve, occulto in basim floris.
Cited scientific names