Partridge, T. R. 1987: Spartina in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 25: 567–575.

Partridge, T. R. 1987: Spartina in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 25: 567–575.
S tiff perennial 10-50 cm high, with fleshy rhizomes, forming dense clumps or meadows. Culms slender, diameter less than 5 mm, closely sheathed; ligule a row of hairs 1-2 mm long; leaf blades 5-35 cm × 4-10 mm, flat or inrolled, ribbed above, persistent or falling. Panicles usually numerous, erect and contracted, 8-25 cm long, of 2-5 spikes 4-10 cm long. Spikelets closely overlapping, narrowly oblong, 10-15 mm × ± 2 mm, 1-flowered, minutely hairy, falling or persistent. Glumes very unequal with the lower up to two-thirds the length of the upper and much narrower; lower glume 1-nerved, + 7 mm × 1 mm, keeled, oblong; upper glume 1-3- nerved,± 13 mm × 3 mm, keeled, oblong-lanceolate, with membranous margins. Lemma slightly shorter than upper glume, minutely hairy, 1-3-nerved with membranous margins. Palea slightly longer than lemma, glabrous. Anthers 5-8 mm, very narrow, indehiscent, brown. Pollen sterile. Seed fails to develop.
Robust perennial, 30-100 cm high, with thick fleshy rhizomes, forming rather open clumps. Culms stout, diameter over 8 mm, very closely sheathed with numerous leaves; ligule a row of dense hairs 1-2 mm long; leaf blades 8^45 cm × 6-15 mm, flat, ribbed above, persistent. Panicles usually absent, the only one recorded being 90 cm in length, erect and contracted, of 6 spikes 9 cm long.
Stiff perennial 5-100 cm high, with fleshy rhizome, forming large dense clumps and meadows. Culms stout, diameter over 5 mm, closely sheathed; ligule a row of hairs 2-3 mm long; leaf blades 5-40 cm × 5-12 mm, flat or inrolled, ribbed above, persistent or falling. Panicles usually numerous, erect and contracted, 10-30 cm long, of 2-8 spikes 5-15 cm long. Spikelets closely overlapping, oblong, 10-20 mm × ± 3 mm, usually 1-flowered, pubescent, falling at maturity. Glumes unequal with the lower up to three-quarters length of upper, and narrower; lower glume 1-nerved, ± 12 mm × 1.5 mm, keeled, oblong; upper glume 3- or more nerved, ± 17 mm × 3 mm, keeled, lanceolate-oblong with membranous margins. Lemma slightly shorter than upper glume, 1-3 nerved with broad membranous margins, hairy. Palea slightly longer than lemma, 2- nerved, glabrous. Anthers 8-12 mm, wide, dehiscent, whitish following dehiscence. Pollen ferule.
Identification keys
Key to mature plants
Plants without flowering culms, except perhaps a very rare spike; if flowering then spikelets almost glabrous. Shoots forming open clumps
Ligule 2-3 mm. Anthers 8-12 mm, dehiscent, whitish following dehiscence. Pollen fertile, expanded
Ligule 1-2 mm. Anthers 5-8 mm, indehiscent, brown and shrivelled. Pollen infertile, shrivelled
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Key to immature or permanently dwarfed non-flowering plants non-flowering plants
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Cited scientific names
13 July 2005