Philpott, A. 1917: Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 49: 239-245.

Philpott, A. 1917: Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 49: 239-245.
Cited scientific names
- Aletia accurata Philpott, 1917
- Chloroclystis furva Philpott, 1917
- Chloroclystis humilis Philpott, 1917
- Crambus scutatus Philpott, 1917
- Epichorista tenebrosa Philpott, 1917
- Glyphipterix aenea Philpott, 1917
- Hydriomena expolita Philpott, 1917
- Mallobathra illustris Philpott, 1917
- Mecyna adversa Philpott, 1917
- Notoreas villosa Philpott, 1917
- Orocrambus cultus Philpott, 1917
- Orthenches vinitincta Philpott, 1917
- Pasiphila furva (Philpott, 1917)
- Pasiphila humilis (Philpott, 1917)
- Reductoderces illustris (Philpott, 1917)
- Scoparia fimbriata Philpott, 1917
- Stathmopoda seminuda Philpott, 1917
- Xanthorhoe nebulosa Philpott, 1917
- Xanthorhoe umbrosa Philpott, 1917
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15 December 2015