Cunningham, G.H. 1940: The genus Mesophellia in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, Series B:General Section 22: 124.

Cunningham, G.H. 1940: The genus Mesophellia in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, Series B:General Section 22: 124.
Peridium hypogaean, 3 cm. to 5 cm. diameter, globose or depressed globose. Exoperidium a thick sand case, fragile, light brown; endoperidium to 8 mm. thick, bay brown, tough and membranous, somewhat brittle. Gleba pallid cinnamon, fading to ferruginous on exposure, central core attached by very numerous delicate trabecule basely visible to the eye. Spores elliptical or spindle shaped, 9 to 14 µ x 5 to 6 µ, hyaline, ends bluntly rounded or bluntly acuminate, smooth, but with a few wasted remnants of an endospore, a fragment of the pedicel persisting.
Peridium hypogaum, duplex, 3 cm. to 5 cm. diameter, globosum vel subglobosum. Gleba pallido-cinnamonea; capillitium fasciulato-anastomosis ad columellam centralem suberosum adherens, trabeculm delicans. Sporis ellipticis vel fusiformis, 9 to 14 x 5 to 6 microns, hyalinis, Levis.
Distribution.-Hamilton, Auckland Province, E.D. Cullen, type collection, in herb. Cunningham.
Cited scientific names
8 June 2001
11 July 2001