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Hagborg, A.; Söderström, L. 2022: Notes on early land plants today 80. Riccardia browniae, a new name for Riccardia pusilla (Steph.) E.A.Br., hom. illeg. Lindbergia 45(01152 [1]): 1. (Published online: 22 Feb 2022)

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Hagborg, A.; Söderström, L. 2022: Notes on early land plants today 80. Riccardia browniae, a new name for Riccardia pusilla (Steph.) E.A.Br., hom. illeg. Lindbergia 45(01152 [1]): 1. (Published online: 22 Feb 2022)
doi: 10.25227/linbg.01152

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8 August 2022
8 August 2022
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