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Nelson, W.A.; Broom, J.E.; Farr, T.J. 2003: Pyrophyllon and Chlidophyllon (Erythropeltidales, Rhodophyta): two new genera for obligate epiphytic species previously placed in Porphyra, and a discussion of the orders Erythropeltidales and Bangiales. Phycologia 42: 308–315.

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Names_Plants record source

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Nelson, W.A.; Broom, J.E.; Farr, T.J. 2003: Pyrophyllon and Chlidophyllon (Erythropeltidales, Rhodophyta): two new genera for obligate epiphytic species previously placed in Porphyra, and a discussion of the orders Erythropeltidales and Bangiales. Phycologia 42: 308–315.

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18 July 2023
18 July 2023
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