New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter

New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter
Related references
- Beever, J.E. 1987: A key to the New Zealand species of Hypnodendron. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 10: 10–12.
- Beever, J.E. 1999: The South American Connection – a bryologist’s view. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 57: 10–12.
- Brownsey, P.J.; Cameron, E.K.; Perrie, L.R. 2013: Dicksonia fibrosa – naturalised in the Auckland area. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 113: 16–18.
- Brownsey, P.J.; Perrie, L.R. 2012: The biostatus of Pteris vittata in New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 108: 19–21.
- Brownsey, P.J.; Perrie, L.R. 2013: Azolla rubra revisited. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 111: 6-7.
- Cameron, E. 2014: Paddock lovegrass (Eragrostis leptostachya) native to New Zealand?. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 115: 22–23.
- Cameron, E.K. 1993: Asplenium pauperequitum – a new locality. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 34: 7–8.
- Cameron, E.K. 2000: Polygonum perfoliatum - a new adventive species for New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 61: 16–17.
- Cameron, E.K. 2000: Bangalow palm (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana) begins to naturalise. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 60: 12–16.
- Cameron, E.K. 2000: Cameron, E.K. 2000a: The naturalisation of Banksia integrifolia in New Zealand; time for action. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 59: 12–16.
- Cameron, E.K. 2000: New names, combinations, or comments from the journals (7). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 62: 12–16.
- Cameron, E.K. 2008: A name for Juncus aff. caespiticius in New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 92: 14–16.
- Cameron, E.K. 2017: The correct spelling of the specific epithet of leather-leaf fern (Pyrrosia elaeagnifolia). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 129: 8–9.
- Cameron, E.K. 2017: The correct spelling of the specific epithet of tōwai/tawhero (Weinmannia). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 129: 7–8.
- Cameron, E.K. et al. 1993: Threatened and local plant lists (1993 revision). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 32: 14–28.
- Cameron, E.K. et al. 1995: New Zealand Botanical Society threatened and local plant lists (1995 revision). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 39: 15–28.
- Cameron, E.K.; Esler, A.E. 1996: Second Rhynchospora species identified in New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 46: 11–12.
- Cameron, E.K.; Parris, B.S. 1998: Pteris vittata L. – a new naturalised fern. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 51: 9–10.
- Campbell, E.O. 1997: Some additions and alterations to the liverwort and hornwort flora of the Kermadec Islands. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 49: 8–10.
- Clarkson, B. 1996: The distribution of Androstoma (Cyathodes) empetrifolia in the North Island. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 46: 17–18.
- Clarkson, B.D. 1996: The distribution of Androstoma (Cyathodes) empetrifolia in the North Island. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 46: 17.
- de Lange, P.J. 1988: New records from the General Waikato. Part. 1. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 12: 8–10.
- de Lange, P.J. 1991: Hebe `Unuwhao': notes on its distribution, ecology and conservation status. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 24: 7–8.
- de Lange, P.J. 2000: Hypolepis distans (Dennstaedtiaceae), a casual introduction to Norfolk Island. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 61: 17–18.
- de Lange, P.J. 2002: New genera, reinstatements and combinations for New Zealand Orchidaceae (Tribe Diurideae). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 68: 14–18.
- de Lange, P.J. 2003: The Crassula tetramera complex in New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 73: 11–13.
- de Lange, P.J. 2008: Hibiscus richardsonii - rediscovery of a native hibiscus in New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 93: 13–15.
- de Lange, P.J. 2009: Is it Pimelea urvilleana or urvilliana?. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 97: 17.
- de Lange, P.J.; Norton, D. A.; Molloy, P. J. 1996: A revised checklist of New Zealand mistletoe (Loranthaceae) hosts. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 44: 15–24.
- Dillon, J. 2022: Fuchsia fulgens: a new naturalised plant for New Zealand, and a first record of naturalisation outside of its native Mexico. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 150: 16–17.
- Douglas, R. 2000: Geitonoplesium cymosum - a new climber takes off in Auckland. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 62: 9–12.
- Ecroyd, C.; Miller, E. 2012: The biostatus of Pteris vittata in New Zealand; response to Brownsey & Perrie (NZ Botanical Society Newsletter No. 108, p. 19–21). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 109: 12–14.
- Ford, K.A; Lusk, C. 2013: Piptochaetium depressum (Chilean rice grass) - a new naturalised stipoid grass in New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 111: 7–10.
- Ford, M. 2022: Gastoniella chaerophylla, a new member of Auckland’s weedscape. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 150: 9–10.
- Godley, E.J. 1992: Biographical notes (8): William Lewis Townson (1855–1926). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 30: 17–18.
- Godley, E.J. 1993: Biographical Notes (12): Samuel Delabere Barker (1848–1901). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 34: 18–19.
- Godley, E.J. 1996: Biographical notes (23): John Scott Thomson FLS, FCS, Hon. FRNZIH (1882–1943). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 45: 11–14.
- Godley, E.J. 1999: Biographical Notes (33): John Francis Armstrong (1820–1902) and Joseph Beattie Armstrong. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 55: 23–29.
- Godley, E.J. 2002: Biographical notes (46): George Valentine Biggar (1855–1931) and Dugald Louis Poppelwell (1863–1939). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 68: 22–25.
- Godley, E.J. 2004: Biographical Notes (55): Lilian Suzette Gibbs (1870–1925) and Harry Birley (c.1863–1924). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 77: 22–23.
- Hannah, A. 2017: Discovery of the New Zealand endemic fern Hypolepis ambigua (Pig fern) growing wild in Scotland. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 127: 12–14.
- Healy, A.J. 1994: A new Equisetum in New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 35: 7–8.
- Jane, G. 1994: Nelson Botanical Society. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 36: 3–4.
- Jane, G.T.; Sykes, W. R. 1995: Wilsonia backhousei (Convolvulaceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 42: 4–6.
- Jane, G.T.; Sykes, W. R. 1995: Wilsonia backhousei (Convolvulaceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 42: 4–6.
- Jones, C. 2019: North Island fern jumps the ditch. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 136: 8–9.
- Miller, E. 2020: White-flowered myrtles: an overview of white-flowered myrtaceous trees and shrubs native or cultivated in New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 139: 13–17.
- Miller, E.M. 1996: Rhynchospora capitellata (Michx.) Vahl - record of a new sedge genus for New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 43: 7–8.
- Murray, B.G.; Cameron, E. K. 1990: An update on the cytogeography of Pratia. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 22: 7–8.
- Ogle, C.C. 2002: Adventive dicotyledons, conifers, ferns and fern allies in New Zealand, additional to those in Flora of New Zealand Vol. 4 (Webb et al. 1988). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 70: 8-16.
- Ogle, C.C.; Sykes, W.R. 2003: Cotoneaster pannosus as an adventive plant in New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 73: 9–11.
- Parris, B.S. 2018: Pteris parkeri hort. ex J.J.Parker, a new naturalised fern . New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 131: 8–9.
- Patrick, B.H.; Heenan, P.B. 2012: New Andean shrub naturalised in southern New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 108: 7–9.
- Perrie, L.R. 2011: New names for New Zealand ferns from Christenhusz et al. (2011). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 104: 15–17.
- Perrie, L.R.; Brownsey, P.J. 2017: The Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group’s recommendations in relation to ferns and lycophytes in the eFloraNZ. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 127: 14–17.
- Rance, C.; Rance, B. D. 1996: Gunnera hamiltonii new information on phenology and distribution. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 44: 8–9.
- Sykes, W.R. 1997: Cape tulip. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 48: 11–12.
- Sykes, W.R. 2004: Succulents misbehaving in my garden. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 75: 16–26.
- Sykes, W.R. 2005: Corrected name: Sedum kimnachii Byalt. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 81: 13.
- Sykes, W.R.; Ogle, C.C. 1995: Aphanopetalum resinosum and other Cunoniaceae in New Zealand. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 42: 6–8.
- Wright, A.E. 1985: New Davallia in Puketi State Forest. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 1: 9–10.
26 February 2015