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Medina, R.; Johnson, M.G.; Liu, Y.; Wickett, N.J.; Shaw, A.J.; Goffinet, B. 2019: Phylogenomic delineation of Physcomitrium (Bryophyta:Funariaceae) based on targeted sequencing of nuclearexons and their flanking regions rejects the retentionof Physcomitrella, Physcomitridium and Aphanorrhegma. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 57(4): 404–417.

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Medina, R.; Johnson, M.G.; Liu, Y.; Wickett, N.J.; Shaw, A.J.; Goffinet, B. 2019: Phylogenomic delineation of Physcomitrium (Bryophyta:Funariaceae) based on targeted sequencing of nuclearexons and their flanking regions rejects the retentionof Physcomitrella, Physcomitridium and Aphanorrhegma. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 57(4): 404–417.

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24 May 2024
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