New Zealand Plant Protection

New Zealand Plant Protection
Related references
- Ah Chee, A.; Wurms, K.V.; George, M. 2011: Control of powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca pannosa var. rosae) on rose (Rosa L. sp.) using anhydrous milk fat and soyabean oil emulsions. New Zealand Plant Protection 64: 195-200.
- Billones-Baaijens, R.; Jones, E.E.; Ridgway, H.J.; Jaspers, M.V. 2012: Pathogenicity of a New Zealand grapevine isolate of Neofusicoccum macroclavulatum on Eucalyptus globulus. New Zealand Plant Protection 65: 262-266.
- Braithwaite, M.; Inglis, C.; Dick, M.A.; Ramsfield, T.D.; Waipara, N.W.; Beever, R.E.; Pay, J.M.; Hill, C.F. 2007: Investigation of oak tree decline in the Auckland region. New Zealand Plant Protection 60: 297-303.
- Clearwater, L.M.; Stewart, A.; Jaspers, M.V. 2000: Incidence of 'black goo' fungus, Phaeoacremonium chlamydosporum, in declining grapevines in New Zealand. New Zealand Plant Protection 53: 448.
- Dick, M.A.; Dobbie, K. 2002: Species of Fusarium on Pinus radiata in New Zealand. New Zealand Plant Protection 55: 58-62.
- Everett, K.R.; Rees-George, J. 2006: Species-specific PCR primers for Guignardia citricarpa and Guignardia mangiferae. New Zealand Plant Protection 59: 141-145.
- Everett, Kerry R.; Pushparajah, Irene P.S.; Scheper, Reiny W.A. 2021: Phylogenetic analysis shows that New Zealand isolates of Neonectria ditissima are similar to European isolates. New Zealand Plant Protection 74(2S): S34-S40.
- Fletcher, J.D. 2012: A virus survey of New Zealand fresh, process and seed potato crops during 2010-2011. New Zealand Plant Protection 65: 197-203.
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- Hill, C.F.; Pearson, H.G.; Gill, G.S.C. 2004: Peronospora dianthi and Peronospora lamii, two downy mildews recently detected in New Zealand. New Zealand Plant Protection 57: 348.
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- Horner, M.B. 2010: Survey for viruses and viroids in apple and pera trees in New Zealand. New Zealand Plant Protection 63: 281-281.
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- Hoyte, S. 2000: The role of adhering floral tissues in sclerotinia disease of kiwifruit. New Zealand Plant Protection 53: 138-142.
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- McKenna, C.E.; Fullerton, R.A.; Dobson, S.J.; Jia, Y. 2012: Control of flyspeck (Schizothyrium pomi) on Actinidia arguta kiwifruit. New Zealand Plant Protection 65: 213-217.
- Mellow, K.D.; Tyson, J.L.; Manning, M.A.; Wright, P.J. 2019: Preliminary pathogenicity screening of Verticillium spp. on kiwifruit in New Zealand. New Zealand Plant Protection 72: 89-94.
- Mundy DC, Manning MA 2010: Ecology and management of grapevine trunk diseases in New Zealand: a review. New Zealand Plant Protection 63: 160-166.
- Outram, M.A.; Jones, E.E.; Jaspers, M.V.; Ridgway, H.J. 2014: Development of a PCR-RFLP method to distinguish species within the Ilyonectria macrodidyma complex. New Zealand Plant Protection 76: 151-156.
- Pennell, C.G.L; Rolston, M.P.; Van Koten, C.; Hume, D.E.; Card, S.D. 2017: Reducing bird numbers at New Zealand airports using a unique endophyte product. New Zealand Plant Protection 70: 224-234.
- Pottinger, B.; Ridgway, H.J.; Sleight, B.E.; Stewart, A. 2001: Genetic variation within New Zealand populations of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora. New Zealand Plant Protection 54: 253.
- Probst CM, Ridgway HJ, Jaspers MV, Jones EE 2019: Pathogenicity of Ilyonectria pseudodestructans propagules to grapevine rootstocks. New Zealand Plant Protection 72: 1-9.
- Ramsfield, T.D.; Power, M.W.P.; Ridley, G.S. 2008: A comparison of populations of Armillaria hinnulea in New Zealand and Australila. New Zealand Plant Protection 61: 41-47.
- Ridgway, H.J.; Kandula, J.; Stewart, A. 2008: Arbuscular mycorrhiza improve apple rootstock growth in soil conductive to specific apple replant disease. New Zealand Plant Protection 61: 48-53.
- Sammonds, J.; Billones, R.; Rocchetti, M.; Ridgway, H.J.; Walter, M.; Jaspers, M.V. 2009: Survey of blueberry farms for Botryosphaeria dieback and crown rot pathogens. New Zealand Plant Protection 62: 238-242.
- Siefkes-Boer, H.J.; Boyd-Wilson, K.S.H.; Petley, M.; Walter, M. 2009: Influence of cold-storage temperatures on strawberry leak caused by Rhizopus spp. New Zealand Plant Protection 62: 243-249.
- Tennakoon, K.M.S.; Ridgmay, H.J.; Jaspers, M.V.; Jones, E.E. 2017: Production of Neofusicoccum speceis conidia and their pathogenicity on wounded and non-wounded bluberry shoots. New Zealand Plant Protection 70: 209-214.
- Tyson JL, Manning MA, Everett KR, Fullerton RA 2019: Neofabraea actinidiae in New Zealand kiwifruit orchards: current status and knowledge gaps. New Zealand Plant Protection 72: 75-83.
- Vingnana-Singam, V.; Long, P.G.; Rowland, R.E. 2000: Infection processes of Ciborinia camelliae on camellia flower tissue. New Zealand Plant Protection 53: 151-156.
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9 October 2002