Scholler, M.; Schmidt, A.; Siahaan, S. A. S.; Takamatsu, S.; Braun, U. 2016: A taxonomic and phylogenetic study of the Golovinomyces biocellatus complex (Erysiphales, Ascomycota) using asexual state morphology and rDNA sequence data. Mycological Progress 15(6)

Scholler, M.; Schmidt, A.; Siahaan, S. A. S.; Takamatsu, S.; Braun, U. 2016: A taxonomic and phylogenetic study of the Golovinomyces biocellatus complex (Erysiphales, Ascomycota) using asexual state morphology and rDNA sequence data. Mycological Progress 15(6)
Taxonomic concepts
Erysiphe labiatarum f. salviae Jacz.
Erysiphe salviae (Jacz.) S. Blumer
Golovinomyces biocellatus (Ehrenb.) V.P. Gelyuta 1988
The Golovinomyces biocellatus complex consists of powdery mildew (Erysiphales) species restricted to hosts of the family Lamiaceae.
The phylogeny resulted in two major clades. Clade I consists of specimens with Lamiaceae hosts and three specimens of Verbena. Clade II consists of two sister groups, the first (IIa) with Salvia spp. and the second (IIb) with Lycopus europaeus (the type host G. biocellatus) and Glechoma. Clades I and IIb and two subclades of IIa with Salvia hosts are characterized by specific morphological traits (differences in conidiophore length, conidial shape, width, and germination patterns). Based on these data, we suggest to consider specimens of clades I (including specimens on Verbena) and IIb and the two subclades of IIa as distinct species, namely G. monardae, G. biocellatus, G. salviae, and G. neosalviae sp. nov.
A key for the identification of species based on asexual state features is provided.
Cited scientific names
- Erysiphe labiatarum f. salviae Jacz. 1927
- Erysiphe salviae (Jacz.) S. Blumer 1933
- Golovinomyces biocellatus (Ehrenb.) V.P. Gelyuta 1988
- Golovinomyces monardae (G.S. Nagy) M. Scholler, U. Braun & Anke Schmidt 2016
- Golovinomyces neosalviae M. Scholler, U. Braun & Anke Schmidt 2016
- Golovinomyces salviae (Jacz.) M. Scholler, U. Braun & Anke Schmidt 2016
20 June 2016