Hatch, E.D. 1963: Notes on New Zealand Orchids II. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Botany 2: 185–188.

Hatch, E.D. 1963: Notes on New Zealand Orchids II. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Botany 2: 185–188.
More robust than the type, flowering earlier from December. Flowers pale green with yellow labellum, the lateral lobes with pinkish markings.
Orthoceras strictum affine subsimile; differentis in flos palliviridis, in labellum flavum et loba lateralia cum striae puniceae.
Plant body a branching tangled whitish rhizome about 4mm diameter and up to 60cm long. Stems several erect, up to 12cm high by 2mm diameter, brownish-red, pubescent. Leaves 1-7, reduced to sheathing bracts about 1cm long, acute, colourless with pale pink striae. Floral bracts similar to and not much smaller than the stem bracts. Flowers 1-5, about 6mm long, the lower portion brownish-pink, the upper white. Dorsal sepal cucullate, acute, shorter than the lateral sepals and petals, 4.5mm long by 1.5mm broad. Lateral sepals and petals similar, oblong-obtuse, 5mm long by 2mm broad. Labellum translucent, oblong-truncate, 4mm long by 2.5mm broad, the margins inrolled. Callus dull yellow, with 3 longitudinal pink striae and a conspicuous central ridge. Column in-curved, the anther-connective brownish-red, pollinia yellow. Column-wings large, oblong, enveloping and partly obscuring the squarish 2-celled stigma.
Saprophytica, semi-subterranea, haud viridis. Planta matura rhizomata, ramosa, tortuosa, 4mm diam. Peduncula 1-7, erecta, rubris pubescens, 7-12cm alta × 2mm diam. Folia 1-7 vaginata, bracteata, acuta, 1cm longa. Flores 1-5, 6mm longi, subregulares. Sepala et petala similes, oblongi-obtusata, 5mm longa × 2.5mm lata. Labellum oblongi-truncatum, 4mm longum × 2.5mm latum, margines incurva. Callus flavus, oblongus, cum jugum medium conspicuum. Columna incurva, normaliter sed reducit, stigma in partim includo alis columnae.
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