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Rossman, Amy Y.; Cavan Allen, W.; Braun, Uwe; Castlebury, Lisa A.; Chaverri, Priscila; Crous, Pedro W.; Hawksworth, David L.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Johnston, Peter; Lombard, Lorenzo; Romberg, Megan; Samson, Rob A.; Seifert, Keith A.; Stone, Jeffrey K.; Udayanga, Dhanushka; White, James F. 2016: Overlooked competing asexual and sexually typified generic names of Ascomycota with recommendations for their use or protection. IMA Fungus 7(2): 289-308.

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Rossman, Amy Y.; Cavan Allen, W.; Braun, Uwe; Castlebury, Lisa A.; Chaverri, Priscila; Crous, Pedro W.; Hawksworth, David L.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Johnston, Peter; Lombard, Lorenzo; Romberg, Megan; Samson, Rob A.; Seifert, Keith A.; Stone, Jeffrey K.; Udayanga, Dhanushka; White, James F. 2016: Overlooked competing asexual and sexually typified generic names of Ascomycota with recommendations for their use or protection. IMA Fungus 7(2): 289-308.

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Protect Amniculicola Y. Zhang ter & K.D. Hyde 2008 (S) over Anguillospora Ingold 1942 (A)
Both Zhang et al. (2009) and Shearer et al. (2009) showed that the type species of Anguillospora, A. longissima, groups with three species of Amniculicola including the type, A. lignicola, within Pleosporales, thus Anguillospora and Amniculicola are synonyms. Although more species of Anguillospora have been described, these aquatic hyphomycetous fungi tend to be morphologically convergent with most sequenced species belonging in the Leotiomycetes (Belliveau & Barlocher 2005, Baschien et al. 2006, Duarte et al. 2013). Although 18 species have been described in Anguillospora, five are known to belong in the Leotiomycetes, another in the Orbiliomycetes, and one in the Dothideales but not related to Amniculicola. Only the type species of Anguillospora, A. longissima, is monophyletic with the three species of Amniculicola. Thus, if Amniculicola is protected over Anguilllospora, only one new combination is required.
The use of Anguillospora with a new type species belonging to the Leotiomycetes will be proposed. This will conserve Anguillospora in the sense in which it has been most commonly used.

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22 May 2019
4 October 2019
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