Plant DiseaseAPS

Plant DiseaseAPS
Related references
- Amiri, A.; Hawkins, A.W.; Mulvaney K.A. 2017: Study of fitness, virulence, and fungicide sensitivity of Lambertella corni-maris causinh yellow rot on apple. Plant Disease 101: 738-743.
- Andersen, Mark T.; Beever, Ross E.; Sutherland, Paul W.; Forster, Richard L. S. 2001: Association of “Candidatus Phytoplasma australiense” with Sudden Decline of Cabbage Tree in New Zealand. Plant Disease 85(5): 462-469.
- Barnes, I.; Roux, J.; Wingfield, M.J.; Coetzee, M.P.A.; Wingfield, B.D. 2001: Characterization of Seiridium spp. associated with cypress canker based on β-tubulin and histone sequences. Plant Disease 85(3): 317-321.
- Billones, R.G.; Ridhway, H.J.; Jones, E.E.; Jaspers, M.V. 2010: First report of Neofusicoccum macroclavulatum as canker pathogen of grapevine in New Zealand. Plant Disease 94: 1504-1504.
- Cardin, L.; Delecolle, B.; Moury, B. 2005: Occurrence of Alternaria dichondrae, Cercospora sp., and Puccinia sp. on Dichondra repens in France and Italy. Plant Disease 89(9): 1012-1012.
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- Chioccheti, A.; Ghignone, S.; Minuto, A.; Gullino, M.L.; Garibaldi, A. 1999: Identification of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. basilici isolated from soil, basil seed, and plants by RAPD analysis. Plant Disease 83: 576-581.
- Clark C.A., Hyun J.W., Hoy M.W. 1998: Relationships among wilt-inducing isolates of Fusarium oxysporum from sweetpotato and tobacco. Plant Disease 82: 530-536.
- Correll, J.C.; Gordon, T.R.; McCain, A.H.; Fox, J.W.; Koehler, C.S.; Wood, D.L.; Schultz, M.E. 1991: Pitch canker disease in California: pathogenicity, distribution, and canker development on Monterey pine (Pinus radiata). Plant Disease 75(7): 672-682.
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- MacDonald, J.D.; Butler, E.E. 1981: Cylindrocarpon root rot of tulip poplar. Plant Disease 65(2): 154-157.
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- Pfender, W.F. 2001: Host Range Differences Between Populations of Puccinia graminis subsp. graminicola Obtained from Perennial Ryegrass and Tall Fescue . Plant Disease 85: 993-998.
- Raabe, R.D. 1985: Fusarium wilt of Hebe species. Plant Disease 69(5): 450-451.
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- Sanchez-Torres, P.; Hinarejos, R.; Tuset, J.J. 2009: Characterization and Pathogenicity of Fusicladium eriobotryae, the Fungal Pathogen Responsible for Loquat Scab. Plant Disease 93: 1151-1157.
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- Shaw, C.G.; Dick, M.A. 1980: Verticicladiella root disease of Pinus strobus in New Zealand. Plant Disease 64: 96-98.
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- Sun, S.K.; Huang, J.W. 1983: A new Fusarium wilt of bitter gourd in Taiwan. Plant Disease 67(2): 226-227.
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