New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture

New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Related references
- Bansal, R.K.; Menzies, S.A.; Broadhurst, P.G. 1988: Evaluation of Asparagus officinalis L. germplasm for resistance to Stemphylium leaf spot. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 16: 295-297.
- Beever, D.J. 1973: Control of botrytis on strawberries. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 1: 277-279.
- Beever, D.J. 1973: Control of leafspot on strawberries. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 1: 275-276.
- Blank, R.H.; Dance, H.M.; Hampton, R.E.; Olson, M.H.; Holland, P.T. 1987: Tamarillo (Cyphomandra betacea): effet of field-applied fungicides and post-harvest dips on storage rots of fruit. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 15: 191-198.
- Brook, P.J.; Clarke, A.D. 1975: Comparison of benomyl and captafol with Bordeaux mixture for control of European canker of apple. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 3: 271-272.
- Cromey, M.G.; Mulholland, R.I.; Russell, A.C.; Jermyn, W.A. 1987: Ascochyta fabae f.sp. lentis on lentil in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 15: 235-238.
- de Silva, H.N.; Gordon, I.L. 1986: Susceptibility of safflower lines to head rot and leaf spot disease. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 14: 469-472.
- Falloon, P.G. 1982: The need for asparagus breeding in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 10: 101-109.
- Falloon, R.E. 1980: Improved forage brassica seedling establishment with fungicide weed treatments. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 8: 291-294.
- Falloon, R.E. 1982: Fungicide seed treatment of maize to improve establishment and control of seedling pathogens. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 10: 197-202.
- Hall, H.K.; Shaw, C.G. 1987: Brambles: downy mildew on wild and cultivated Rubus species in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 15: 57-60.
- Hammett, K.R.W. 1975: Patterns in the numbers of air-borne conidia of apple powdery mildew, Podosphaera leucotricha (Ell. and Ev.) Salm., and their relevance to control measures. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 3: 267-270.
- Hampton, J.G. 1979: The presence and effects of seed-borne and soil-borne Drechslera sorokiniana on barley in New Zealand. I. Occurrence of the pathogen. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 7: 383-386.
- Hampton, J.G. 1980: Fungal pathogens in New Zealand certified wheat seed. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 8: 301-304.
- Hampton, J.G. 1980: The significance of Ascochyta fabae in broad beans in the Manawatu, and methods for its control. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 8: 305-308.
- Harvey, I.C. 1982: Assessment keys for some crown and root diseases of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 10: 317-322.
- Harvey, I.C.; Martin, R.J. 1980: Leaf spot diseases on lucerne cultivars. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 8: 295-296.
- Hawthorne, B.T. 1988: Fungi causing storage rots on fruit of Cucurbita spp. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 16: 151-157.
- Hopping, M.E. 1976: Effect of bloom applications of gibberellic acid on yield and bunch rot of the wine grape 'Seibel 5455'. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 4: 103-107.
- Johnston, P.R.; Fullerton, R.A. 1988: Cryptosporiopsis citri sp. nov.; cause of a Citrus leaf spot in the Pacific Islands. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 16(2): 159-163.
- Johnston, P.R.; McKenzie, E.H.C. 1982: Blueberry diseases in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 10: 73-77.
- Klein, J.D.; Thorp, T.G. 1987: Feijoas: post-harvest handling and storage of fruit. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 15: 217-221.
- Long, P.G. 1988: New records of Pythium species in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 16: 165-166.
- MacKinnon, Patricia A.; Robertson, J. G.; Scott, D. J.; Hale, C. N. 1977: Legume inoculant usage in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 5(1): 35-39.
- Matthews, B.D.; Hampton, J.G. 1977: A survey of New Zealand certified barley seed for the presence of pathogenic Drechslera species. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 5: 331-334.
- Pennycook, S.R. 1985: Fungal fruit rots of Actinidia deliciosa (kiwifruit). New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 13: 289-299.
- Poll, J.T.K.; Douglas, J.A. 1987: Chicory: an investigation of production for witloof in the Waikato, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 15: 61-65.
- Rumball, W.; Scott, D.; Fraser, T.; Boyd, A.; Widdup, K. 1987: 'Grasslands Hakari' mountain brome (Bromus marginatus Nees.). New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 15: 115-117.
- Singh, G.; Milne, K.S. 1974: Field evaluation of fungicides for the control of chrysanthemum flower blight. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 2: 185-188.
- Singh, G.; Milne, K.S. 1974: Laboratory evaluation of fungicides against fungi causing flower blight of chrysanthemums. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 2: 181-183.
- Smith, H.C.; Smith, M. 1974: Surveys of powdery mildew in wheat and an estimate of national yield losses. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 2: 441-445.
- Smith, H.C.; Smith, M.; Marshall, M.I. 1973: Powdery mildew is not a pathogen of oats in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 1: 387-389.
- Spiers, A.G. 1974: A Pythium disease of willow seedlings. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 2: 437-440.
- Tate, K.G.; Corbin, J.B. 1978: Quiescent fruit infections of peach, apricot, and plum in New Zealand caused by the brown rot fungus Sclerotinia fructicola. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 6: 319-325.
- Taylor, J.B. 1978: A pathogenicity test for basidiomycete fungi isolated from roots. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 6: 91-94.
- Taylor, J.B.; Brown, I.M.L.; Ellis, P.J.; Harré, A.J.; Wilton, W.J.W. 1977: Eradication of white root-rot disease of raspberry. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 5: 327-330.
- Withers, N.J. 1973: Production of kenaf under temperate conditions. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 1: 253-257.
- Yearsley, C.W.; Huang, B.Y.; McGrath, H.J.W.; Fry, J.; Stec, M.G.H.; Dale, J.R. 1988: Red tamarillos (Cyphomandra betacea): comparison of two postharvest dipping strategies for the control of fungal storage disorders. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 16: 359-366.
- Yearsley, C.W.; McGrath, H.J.W.; Taucher, J.A.; Dale, J.R. 1987: Red tamarillos (Cyphomandra betacea): post-harvest control of fungal decay with hot water and imazalil dips. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 15: 223-228.
11 February 2020