Dingley, J.M. 1951: The Hypocreales of New Zealand. I. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 79(1): 55-61.
Dingley, J.M. 1951: The Hypocreales of New Zealand. I. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 79(1): 55-61.
Subiculum effuse, white, pale yellow, byssoid, mycelium pale coloured. Peritliecia gregarious, superficial, rarely semi-immersed in stroma, globose sometimes pyriform, 0.3-0.5 mm., luteous or sulphur yellow, translucent when fresh, ostiole papillated; perithecial wall pseudoparenchymatous 30-40 µ thick, cells rectangular or cuboid 5-10 µ diameter, thin-walled, lightly pigmented ,yellow. Asci cylindrical, thin-walled, truncate 70-200 x 4-6 µ, -8-spored, uniseriate. Spores one-septate, equally divided into two cells, fnsiform, apiculate 27-45 x 4-6 µ hyaline and verrucose.
Distribution: New Zealand.
Subiculum effusum, album, byssoidum. Perithecia gregaria in subiculo, superficialia, globosa, vel pyriforma, 0.3-0-5 mm. lutea, ostiolum papillatum. Asci cylindrici, truncati 70-200 x 4-6 µ,. Sporae uni-septatae, fusiforme, apiculatae 27-45 x 4-6 µ, hyalinae verrucosae.
This species is separated from H. armeniacus Tul. by the superficially arranged yellow perithecia and large fusiforin spores. In growth form it is similar to H. roseus, but spores are much larger and perithecia yellow, instead of red.
On pileus of Polyporus sp. Auckland, Waitakere Ra., off Anawhata Rd., August, 1947, Joan M. Dingley. Type collection.
Identification keys
Hypocreaceae - genera
Hypomyces - species
Cited scientific names
26 September 2003