Lu, B.S.; Hyde, K.D. (ed) 2000: A World Monograph of Anthostomella. Fungal Diversity Press.

Taxonomic concepts
Etymology: manawatua refers to the type locality, Manawatu, New Zealand.
Ascospores of Anthostomella manawatua are similar in shape to those of A. dilatata (Berk. and Broome) Petch, but ascospores of A. manawatua are smaller and narrower (11.5-18 x 9-12 x 7.5-9 µm, vs 15.5-22.5 x 12.5-16.5 x 8-9 µm). In addition, the germ slit of A. manawatua is shorter than the length of the ascospores, while those of A. dilatata are full-length.
Etymology: okatina refers to the type locality, in forest surrounding Lake Okatina, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Ascospores of A. okatina are similar in shape to those of A. spiralis K.D. Hyde and B.S. Lu, but differ as ascospores of A. okatina lack a mucilaginous sheath and asci lack any visible apical apparatus.
Cited scientific names
- Anthostomella ammophila (W. Phillips & Plowr.) Sacc. 1882
- Anthostomella kapiti Whitton, K.D. Hyde & McKenzie 2000
- Anthostomella lucens Sacc. 1916
- Anthostomella ludoviciana Ellis & Langl. 1890
- Anthostomella manawatu Whitton, K.D. Hyde & McKenzie 2000
- Anthostomella nitidissima (Durieu & Mont.) Sacc. 1882
- Anthostomella okatina Whitton, K.D. Hyde & McKenzie 2000
- Anthostomella phaeosticta (Berk.) Sacc. 1878
- Anthostomella phormiicola (Cooke) Berl. & Voglino 1886
- Anthostomella puiggarii Speg. 1881
- Anthostomella rehmii (Thüm.) Rehm 1876
- Anthostomella tenacis (Cooke) Sacc. 1882
- Cordyline australis (G.Forst.) Endl.
- Elmerina caryae (Schwein.) D.A. Reid 1992
- Freycinetia banksii
- Hierochloe brunonis Hook.f.
- Phormium
- Phormium tenax J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.