Samuels, G.J.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Buchanan, D.E. 1981: Ascomycetes of New Zealand. 3. Two new species of Apiospora and their Arthrinium anamorphs on bamboo. New Zealand Journal of Botany 19(2): 137-149.

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Samuels, G.J.; McKenzie, E.H.C.; Buchanan, D.E. 1981: Ascomycetes of New Zealand. 3. Two new species of Apiospora and their Arthrinium anamorphs on bamboo. New Zealand Journal of Botany 19(2): 137-149.
Additional specimens examined: NEW ZEALAND: Auckland, Pukekohe, on dead culms of Bambusa oldhamii Munro, E.H.C. McKenzie, Feb. 1975 (PDD 41012), 10 Jul. 1975 (PDD 41013); Mt Albert Research Centre, on Bambusa sp., F. J. Morion, 12 Jul. 1963 (PDD 21981), E.H.C. McKenzie, 8 Jul. 1975 (PDD 41014); Grey Lynn, on dead culms of Bambusa sp., G. J. Samuels, Sep. 1979 (PDD 41015); Auckland Domain, on dead culms of Bambusa sp., E.H.C. McKenzie, 7 Nov. 1979 (PDD 41016).
Ascomata forming on culms of bamboo in groups of 3-5, arranged linearly and forming black, lenticular spots parallel to the long axis of the host, 1-2 mm long x 0.5 mm wide x 0.25-0.5 mm high; subepidermal, covered with a thin, black stroma that opens by a cleft-like slit, at maturity. Ascomatal black subglobose to globose with a flattened base, 125-225 µm high x 170-340 µm wide. Ascomatal wall uniform in width, 10-15 µm wide, thinnest basally; cells elliptic to fusiform, 8-10 µm long x 4-5 µm wide, light brown; cells at base somewhat smaller. Ostiolar region continuous with the surrounding stromal cells and pierced by the ostiolar canal; ostiolar canal periphysate; periphyses stout, c. 2 µm wide. Cells between ascomata vertically oriented, loosely arranged, thin-waned, lighter brown than cells of the ascomatal wall, crushed between walls of adjacent ascomata; cells surrounding the upper third of the ascoma elliptic, 4-5 µm x 3-4 µm; toward the stromal surface cell walls thicker, 1.5-2.0 µm; cells surrounding the ostiolar canal hyphal, vertically oriented, 6-8 x 2.5-3.5 µm, thin-walled, colourless. Cells of the upper c. 20 µm of the stromal surface angular, 5-7 µm across, heavily pigmented, arranged in a layer continuous between ascomata, subepidermal. Cells at the periphery of the ascomatal aggregate vertically oriented and bricklike, 11-12 x c. 6 µm. Asci forming in a continuous layer covering the lower ascomatal wall, broadly cylindrical, 65-85 (-100) x 20-28 µm; unitunicate, apex broad, I-, an apical ring sometimes seen; base broadly pedicellate with two pores, each corresponding to one of the two septa separating the tip, penultimate and basal cells of the crozier; ascospores biseriately arranged. Ascospores naviculate, (19-)21-26(-33) x (7-) 8-10(-12) µm at widest point x (3-)5-6(-7) µm at septum (mean of 147 ascospores = 24.4 x 9.2 µm); 2-celled, lower cell 5-6 µm long; straight, hyaline, smooth. Paraphyses attached basally, apically free, sparingly branched, thin-walled, septate, extending slightly above ascal apices, 5-7 µm wide, tips slightly tapering.
Anamorph. Arthrinium sp.
Conidiomata superficially resembling ascostromata, subepidermal, parallel to the long axis of the host, opening by longitudinal splitting of the epidermis and revealing a black conidial mass. Setae, stiff, (11-)100-300(-450) µm long x 4-6 µm wide basally, walls 2-3 µm thick, erect, black, unbranched, septate with pointed tips, scattered over substrate, may or may not be associated with conidiomata or ascomata. Conidiogenous cells arising in a single layer from a pseudoparenchymatous base, cells of the base thin-walled, lightly pigmented, c. 5 µm across. Conidiophores arising singly from pseudoparenchymatous to ampulliform mother cells, basauxic, straight or slightly flexuous, unbranched, cylindrical, colourless to light brown, smooth; septate, septa not markedly thickened or pigmented: polyblastic. Conidia borne singly apically and laterally, the oldest aat the tip of the conidiophore; holoblastic; elliptic in face view, 15.5-19(-27) x 9.5-11(-12) µm (mean of 158 conidia = 17.5 x 10.1 µm) with a light coloured, equatorial rim; circular in surface view with a circular, 2-3 µm diam. abscission scar on the underside, brown, smooth.
Characteristics in culture: Colonies grown for 1 week at 18-20°c, diffused daylight; CMD (cornmeal dextrose agar, Difco): colonies 4-5 cm diam. felty, very pale pink, transparent; PDA (potato dextrose agar, Difco): colonies 2-5 cm diam., cottony, slightly raised, pale pink, opaque; ME (malt extract agar: 40g "Maltexo" brand malt extract, 12g agar, 1l distilled water, pH adjusted to 6.5 before autoclaving): colonies 2-3.5 cm diam., intermediate between colonies on CMD and on PDA, pale pink. Conidia forming after 2 weeks in white hyphal tufts. Setae scattered throughout the colony, sometimes forming in only small numbers.
Anamorph. Arthrinium sp.
Conidiomata superficially resembling ascostromata, subepidermal, parallel to the long axis of the host, opening by longitudinal splitting of the epidermis and revealing a black conidial mass. Setae, stiff, (11-)100-300(-450) µm long x 4-6 µm wide basally, walls 2-3 µm thick, erect, black, unbranched, septate with pointed tips, scattered over substrate, may or may not be associated with conidiomata or ascomata. Conidiogenous cells arising in a single layer from a pseudoparenchymatous base, cells of the base thin-walled, lightly pigmented, c. 5 µm across. Conidiophores arising singly from pseudoparenchymatous to ampulliform mother cells, basauxic, straight or slightly flexuous, unbranched, cylindrical, colourless to light brown, smooth; septate, septa not markedly thickened or pigmented: polyblastic. Conidia borne singly apically and laterally, the oldest aat the tip of the conidiophore; holoblastic; elliptic in face view, 15.5-19(-27) x 9.5-11(-12) µm (mean of 158 conidia = 17.5 x 10.1 µm) with a light coloured, equatorial rim; circular in surface view with a circular, 2-3 µm diam. abscission scar on the underside, brown, smooth.
Characteristics in culture: Colonies grown for 1 week at 18-20°c, diffused daylight; CMD (cornmeal dextrose agar, Difco): colonies 4-5 cm diam. felty, very pale pink, transparent; PDA (potato dextrose agar, Difco): colonies 2-5 cm diam., cottony, slightly raised, pale pink, opaque; ME (malt extract agar: 40g "Maltexo" brand malt extract, 12g agar, 1l distilled water, pH adjusted to 6.5 before autoclaving): colonies 2-3.5 cm diam., intermediate between colonies on CMD and on PDA, pale pink. Conidia forming after 2 weeks in white hyphal tufts. Setae scattered throughout the colony, sometimes forming in only small numbers.
Habitat: On dead culms of Bambusa spp.
Ascomata stromate atrotecta, nigra, in strias paralleles, lineares, 1-2 mm long, per rimas epidermidis erumpentia. Asci unitunicati, hymenium formantes, clavati, 65-85 (-100) x 20-28 µm, parti apicati iodo non coeruiescenti. Ascosporae oblongo-clavates, basi uniseptates, hyalinae, (19-)21-26(-33) x (7-)8-10(-12) µm. Paraphyses pauciramosae, hymenio affixae.
Status conidialis ad Arthrinium (≡ Cordella johnstonii M.B.Ellis) referabilis.
Holotypus. PDD 41017.
Status conidialis ad Arthrinium (≡ Cordella johnstonii M.B.Ellis) referabilis.
Holotypus. PDD 41017.
Etymology of the specific epithet: Refers to the setae that form on the substrate.
Holotype: NEW ZEALAND: Auckland, Kohimarama, on dead culms of Bambusa sp., G.J. Samuels (79-147), Nov. 1979 (PDD 41017).
Additional specimen examined: NEW ZEALAND: Auckland, Western Springs, Auckland Zoo, on dead culm of Bambusa sp., G.J. Samuels & W. B. Kendrick, 26 Jan1 1980 (PDD 41017).
Ascomata forming on culms of bamboo in ( groups of 2-5, arranged linearly, and forming black, lenticular spots parallel to the long axis of the host, , 0.5-1.0 mm long x 0.5 mm wide x 0.25 mm high; subepidermal, covered with a thin black stroma that opens by a cleft-like slit at maturity. Ascomata black, subglobose to globose with a somewhat flattened base, c. 200 µm high x 300 µm wide. Ascomatal wall uniform in width, 10-15 µm wide, thinnest basally; cells elliptic to fusiform, c. 15 µm x 4-5 µm, thin-walled, lightly pigmented; cells at the base somewhat smaller. Ostiolar region continuous with the surrounding stromal cells and pierced by the ostiolar canal; ostiolar canal periphysate; periphyses stout, c. 2 µm wide. Cells between ascomata vertically oriented, variable in length, 4-5 µm wide, loosely arranged, lighter brown than cells of ascomatal wall, crushed between walls of adjacent ascomata; cells surrounding the upper third of the ascoma nearly circular in outline, 5-7 µm diam., continuous with stromal surface. Cells of the upper c. 30 µm of stromal surface nearly circular, 5-7 µm diam., heavily pigmented, walls c. 1 µm thick, arranged in a layer continuous between ascomata, subepidermal. Cells at periphery of ascomatal aggregate vertically oriented and brick-like. Asci forming in a continuous layer covering the lower ascomatal wall, broadly cylindrical, 100-120 (-130) x 20-25 µm; unitunicate, apex broadly rounded, simple, I-; base broadly pedicellate with two pores, each in a position corresponding to one of the two septa separating the tip, penultimate and basal cells of the crozier; ascospores biseriately arranged. Ascospores naviculate, 28-32(-35) x 9.5-10.5 µm at widest point x 5.5-6.5 µm wide at septum (mean of 19 ascospores = 30.8 x 10.0 µm; 1-septate; upper cell 23-28 µm long; straight or basal cell laterally displaced; spores hyaline, smooth. Paraphyses attached basally, apically free, sparingly branched, thin-walled, septate, slightly longer than asci, 4 µm wide, tapering slightly toward the tip.
Anamorph. Arthrinium sp.
Conidiomata superficially resembling ascomata, parallel to long axis of host, opening by longitudinal splitting of epidermis to reveal a black conidial mass. Setae lacking. Conidiogenous cells arising in a single layer from a c. 10 µm-thick pseudoparenchymatous base, cells of the base slightly thick-walled, lightly pigmented, 5-7 µm across. Conidiophore mother cells ampulliform, oblong, ovate to subglobose, 8-15 µm x c. 5 µm, light brown, with superficial granular depositions, opening widely at the apex and appearing cupulate, producing a single conidiophore. Conidiophores cylindrical, 10-25 x c. 4 µm, basauxic, polyblastic, straight or flexuous, unbranched, colourless or light brown, with granular depositions near the apex; septate, septa not markedly thickened or pigmented. Conidia borne singly, apically and laterally, the oldest at the top of the conidiophore; holoblastic; bell-shaped in face view, (14-)15-17(-19) µm high x 15-17(-18) µm across the flat top with a light coloured, horizontal rim just below the top and a ragged, circular, 3-4 µm diam. abscission scar on the under side, brown, smooth.
Characteristics in culture: Colonies grown for 1 week at 18-20°c, diffused daylight; CMD: 6-7 cm diam., aerial mycelium scant, white, transparent; PDA and ME: 8 cm diam., aerial mycelium scant, white to pink, transparent to translucent. Conidia forming after 2 weeks in white hyphal tufts.
Anamorph. Arthrinium sp.
Conidiomata superficially resembling ascomata, parallel to long axis of host, opening by longitudinal splitting of epidermis to reveal a black conidial mass. Setae lacking. Conidiogenous cells arising in a single layer from a c. 10 µm-thick pseudoparenchymatous base, cells of the base slightly thick-walled, lightly pigmented, 5-7 µm across. Conidiophore mother cells ampulliform, oblong, ovate to subglobose, 8-15 µm x c. 5 µm, light brown, with superficial granular depositions, opening widely at the apex and appearing cupulate, producing a single conidiophore. Conidiophores cylindrical, 10-25 x c. 4 µm, basauxic, polyblastic, straight or flexuous, unbranched, colourless or light brown, with granular depositions near the apex; septate, septa not markedly thickened or pigmented. Conidia borne singly, apically and laterally, the oldest at the top of the conidiophore; holoblastic; bell-shaped in face view, (14-)15-17(-19) µm high x 15-17(-18) µm across the flat top with a light coloured, horizontal rim just below the top and a ragged, circular, 3-4 µm diam. abscission scar on the under side, brown, smooth.
Characteristics in culture: Colonies grown for 1 week at 18-20°c, diffused daylight; CMD: 6-7 cm diam., aerial mycelium scant, white, transparent; PDA and ME: 8 cm diam., aerial mycelium scant, white to pink, transparent to translucent. Conidia forming after 2 weeks in white hyphal tufts.
Habitat: On dead culms of Bambusa spp.
Ascomata stromate atro tecta, nigra, in strias parallelas, lineares, 1-2 mm long, per rimas epidermidis erumpentia. Asci unitunicati, hymenium formantes, clavati, 100-120 (-130) x 20-25 µm, parti apicali iodo non coerulescenti. Ascosporae oblongo clavatae, interdum curvatae, basi uniseptatae, hyalinae, 28-32(-35) x 9.5-10.5 µm. Paraphyses pauciramosae, hymenio affixae.
Status conidialis ad Arthrinium (= Scyphospora phyllostachydis Kantschaveli) referabilis. Conidia brunnea, tintinnabuliformia, (14-)15-17(-19) µm altitudine, 15-17 (-18) µm crassa.
Holotypus. PDD 41022.
Status conidialis ad Arthrinium (= Scyphospora phyllostachydis Kantschaveli) referabilis. Conidia brunnea, tintinnabuliformia, (14-)15-17(-19) µm altitudine, 15-17 (-18) µm crassa.
Holotypus. PDD 41022.
Etymology of the specific epithet: Derived from the Latin, tintinnabulum; and meaning a little bell, in reference to the conidial shape.
Holotype: NEW ZEALAND: Waikato, Paeroa, on dead culm of Bambusa sp. E. H. C. McKenzie & P. R. Johnston, 28 Feb. 1980 (PDD 41022).
Identification keys
Apiospora and Arthrinium found in New Zealand
Cited scientific names
18 March 2001
4 April 2001