Pinnock, D.E.; Coles, R.B.; Donovan, B. 1988: A new spore cyst fungus from New Zealand. Australian Systematic Botany 1(4): 387-389.

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Pinnock, D.E.; Coles, R.B.; Donovan, B. 1988: A new spore cyst fungus from New Zealand. Australian Systematic Botany 1(4): 387-389.
Spore cysts black, globose, smooth, brittle membranaceous inner surface finely spotted to confluent verrucose, 80-111-150 µm diam. (Figs 1 and 2). The spherical spore balls measure 19-24-28 µm in diam. (Fig. 3).Ascospores one-celled, hyaline, cylindrical, in bundles of eight, 1.0-1.1-1.3 x 5.0-5.7-6.6 µm (Fig. 4). Length to width ratio 5.2. No conidial state observed.
Ascocarp nigra, globosa, laevia fragilis, 80-111-150 µm diam., membrana exteriore hylina, membrana interiore nigra, subtiliter maculata vel confluenti-verrucosa. Globula sporarum sphaerici 19-24-28 µm diam. Ascosporae unicellulares hyalinae cylindricae, octo fasciculibus 1.0-1.1-1.3 x 5.0-5.7-6.6 µm magna 5.2 plo longiores quam latiores. Status conidialis non observatus.
Holotypus: In larvis prepupisque Leioprocti specierum, cum specie fungali altera consociata ad Birkdale in Nova Zeelandia crescit, 13.i.1983, B. Donovan (PDD, 53796).
Holotypus: In larvis prepupisque Leioprocti specierum, cum specie fungali altera consociata ad Birkdale in Nova Zeelandia crescit, 13.i.1983, B. Donovan (PDD, 53796).
Specimens are deposited at the Insect Pathology Laboratory, University of Adelaide, Waite Agricultural Research Institute, Glen Osmond, S.A., Australia, with dried specimens on S.E.M. pin type mounts chosen as holotype and deposited in the herbarium of Plant Diseases Division, DSIR, Mt Albert Research Centre, Private Bag, Auckland, New Zealand, (PDD, 53797-53801).
Etymology: Scaccaria from the Latin scaccarium, chess board; term referring to the arrangement of ascospore bundles in the peripheral layer of the mature spore ball (Fig. 3).
Etymology: Scaccaria from the Latin scaccarium, chess board; term referring to the arrangement of ascospore bundles in the peripheral layer of the mature spore ball (Fig. 3).
In larvae and prepupae of Leioproctus spp., in association with another fungal species, at Birkdale, New Zealand, 13 Jan. 1983, (PDD, 53796).
Cited scientific names
18 March 2001
5 March 2010