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Ellis, M.B. 1965: Dematiaceous hyphomycetes. VI. Mycological Papers. 103.

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Pithomyces cynodontis conidia (x650)

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Ellis, M.B. 1965: Dematiaceous hyphomycetes. VI. Mycological Papers. 103.

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Colonies pulvinate or effused dark blackish brown to black. Mycelium superficial, composed of a network of branched, septate, subhyaline or straw coloured, smooth or rough-walled, 2-4p thick hyphae. Conidiophores borne singly, terminally and laterally on the hyphae, simple, straight or flexuous, cyhndrical, pale straw coloured, smooth or verrucose, 4-15 p long, 2-4 p thick. Conidia formed singly as blown-out ends at the apex of each conidiophore, straight or curved, subspherical, oblong, ellipsoid, obovoid or clavate, brown to dark blackish brown, verruculose to echinulate, 20-55 (37) p long, 10-25 (17) p thick in the broadest part, with 2-6 transverse and 1-4 longitudinal septa. The conidia usually become detached through fracture of the wall of the conidiophore and each conidium carries away with it the upper part of the conidiophore.
Coloniae pulvinatae vel effusae, fuscae vel atrae. Mycelium superficiale ex hyphis ramosis, septatis, subhyalinis vel stramineis, levibus vel verrucosis, 2-4 p crassis reticulatis compositum. Conidiophora singula ex apice lateribusque hypharum oriunda, simplicia, recta vel flexuosa, cylindrica, pallide straminea, levia vel verrucosa, 4-15u longa, 2-4p crassa. Conidia singula in apice conidiophori oriunda, recta vel curvata, subsphaerica, oblonga, ellipsoidea, obovoidea vel clavata, brunnea vel fusca, verruculosa vel echinulata, 20-55 (37) u longa, 10-25 (17) u crassa, septis 2-6 transversalibus et 1-4 longitudinalibus praedita.
On inflorescences of Cynodon dactylon, Zambia. This fungus grows well in culture and sporulates freely on cornmeal, malt, potato-dextrose and potatocarrot agars at room temperature.
Habitat in inflorescentiis Cynodontis dactyli, Mongu airstrip, Zambia, A. Angus, 11.ii.1963, IMI 101184 typus

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18 March 2001
10 April 2001