Lloyd, C.G. 1920: Mycological notes, no. 62. Mycological Writings 6: 904-944.

This grows on the larva of Aemona hirta, teste Mr. Cunningham. but one other Cordyceps is known similar in its manner of growth, viz Cordyceps Dovei of Tasmania. (Cfr. Cordyceps of Australasia, Fig, 620), and that is only similar in its manner of growth.
Specimen No. 51 from G. H. Cunningham, New Zealand. Mr. Cunningham sends a most interesting account of the plant as follows: "The fructifications project above the surface of the log to a height of from 3 to 10 mm. The conidial stage appears to more abundant than the later, these are usually single, club shaped and a mealy white in color. Perithecial stage; from one to four or more clubs of a dark brown to light grey in color. Perithecia superficial. The host larvae are only found in rotting logs of Melicytus ramiflorus Forst. This is a small tree that is fairly common in this locality. The Maori name for it is "Mahoe". It is brittle, white wood and soon decays on contact with the ground. It is of no service as a building timber. The larvae (from which fructifications have appeared ) are all found with their heads towards the surface of the log in which they are found. The fungus appears to have to make its way through about 5 mm. of solid wood before it comes to the surface to fructify. Eloquently, however, it follows the old, larval tunnels for some distance until it comes to an opening.
The host is a native species of beetle which has become a pest in the larval stage to growers of lemon trees in the Dominion. It attacks and destroys lemon trees by tunneling through the pith and also more or less by barking the tree . Commonly known as "the flat-headed lemon tree borer" and is scientifically known as Aemona hirta. (Syn. A. humilis ). This information regarding the beetle and its habits I have obtained from Mr. D. Miller, Government Entomologist.