Horak, E. 1980: Fungi Agaricini Novazelandiae. X. Simocybe Karsten. New Zealand Journal of Botany 18(2): 189–196.

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Horak, E. 1980: Fungi Agaricini Novazelandiae. X. Simocybe Karsten. New Zealand Journal of Botany 18(2): 189–196.
New Zealand: Stewart Island, Christmas Village, 14.111.1969, leg. Horak (PDD 27152 holotype-ZT 69/132,isotype).
Pileus -10 mm, convex when young soon becoming plane or subconcave, margin upturned, distinct conic papilla or umbo at centre; pale brown to argillaceous; pruinose all over, dry, hygrophanous, striate towards margin, veil remnants absent. Lamellae (L 18-10, -5) moderately crowded, adnate to broadly adnate, occasionally emarginate in aged specimens; whitish when young, turning pale brown, edge albofimbriate, serrate. Stipe -15 x -1 mm, cylindric, central, equal; concolorous with pileus; conspicuously pruinose over entire length, dry, solid, single in groups, veil remnants none. Odour and taste not distinctive. Context pale brown, Spore print brown. Spores 6-7.5 x 4-4.5 µm, ovoid to subphaseoliform, brown, membrane thin-walled, smooth, germ pore absent. Basidia 25-30 x 6-7 µm, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 30-50 x 7-10 µm, clavate, membrane thin-walled, hyaline, pigment absent, clamp connection on basal septum. Pleurocystidia none. Caulocystidia like cheilocystidia. Cuticle a palisade of erect, clavate cells (15-40 x 3-8 µm), membrane smooth or encrusted with pale brown (KOH) pigment, not gelatinised. Clamp connections numerous.
o n soil in broad-leaved forest (dominated by Weinmannia, Dacrydium, and Fuchsia excorticata (J. R. et G. Forst.) Hook.f. New Zealand.
Pileus -10 mm, papillatus vel umbonato-planus, argillaceus, pruinosus. Lamellae emarginato-adnatae, pallide brunneae. Stipes -15 x -1 mm, cylindricus, pileo concolor pruinosus. Sporae 6-7.5 x 4-4,5 µm, ovoideae vel subphaseoliformes, brunneae. Ad terram in silvis, Novazelandia.
The epithet given to this small and inconspicuous agaric indicates a close taxonomic-morphologic relationship to the European Simocybe rubi (Berkeley) Singer. In addition, Simocybe argillacea Horak (1979b) and its 2-spored form (f. bispora Horak 1979b), both reported from Papua New Guinea, also must be considered to be related. The New Zealand species, however, is readily separated from the two neighboring taxa by the following features: absence of olive colours on the carpophores, size of the spores, number of sterigmata on the basidia, and shape of the cheilo- and caulocystidia.
Typus PDD 27152.
on bare or moss-covered soil in mixed forests dominated by Podocarpus, Dacrydium, and Weinmannia. New Zealand.
Pileus -15 mm, hemispheric, convex or plane, sometimes obtusely campanulate; honey brown, deep yellow-brown, becoming paler with age or drying; dry, smooth to granular, not wrinkled, strongly. striate towards margin, hygrophanous, membranaceous, veil remnants absent. Lamellae (L 6-9, -3), moderately crowded, adnate to emarginate, ventricose; yellow-brown turning umber or fuscous with ochre tint, edge concolorous, fimbriate. Stipe -30 x 1 -1.5 mm, cylindric, equal, central; concolorous with pileus, dark brown towards white villous base; dry, pruinose at apex, smooth in lower portion, veil remnants absent, solid; single or cespitose, in groups. Context yellow-brown. Odour and tastes unpleasant. Spore print brown. Spores 6-7 x 3-3.5 µm, cylindric or obviate, sometimes vaguely phaseoliform, membrane thin-walled, brown, smooth, germ pore none. Basidia 25-30 x 6-7 µm, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 35-60 x 8-14 µm, fusoid to lageniform, membrane thin-walled, hyaline, pigment absent. Pleurocystidia absent. Caulocystidia like cheilocystidia. Cuticle a celluloderm of ovoid to clavate cells (15-40 x 10-20 µm), membranes thin-walled, not gelatinised, encrusted with brown pigment. Clamp connections on septa.
o n bare or moss-covered soil in mixed forests dominated by Podocarpus, Dacrydium, and Weinmannia. New Zealand.
Pileus -15 mm, hemisphaericus dein plano-convexus, melleus, subglabrus, striatus. Lamellae adnato-emarginatae, pileo concolores dein brunneae. Stipes -30 x -1.5mm, cylindricus, pileo concolor, brunneus basim versus, apicaliter pruinosus. Sporae 6-7 x 3-3.5 µm, cylindraceae vel subpyriformes, brunneolae. Ad humum in silvis. Novazelandia.
Simocybe luteomellea is distinctive due to the rather fragile carpophores with yellow-brown, strongly hygrophanous and striated pilei. Macroscopically, therefore, this agaric is most similar to species of Galerina. The cellular pileal cuticle, the fusoid cheilocystidia, and the brown, smooth spores (of various shapes from cylindric to phaseoliform) confirm that this species is a member of the genus Simocybe
Typus PDD 27150
o n rotten wood of Nothofagus (N. menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst., N. solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole). New Zealand.
Pileus -30 mm, hemispheric to convex, becoming plane; grey-brown to dark brown with distinct olive tint; dry, coarsely wrinkled to venose (at least at disc), net-like structure usually very conspicuous, striate towards margin, strongly hygrophanous, veil remnants none. Lamellae (L 10-14, -3) crowded, adnexed or adnate becoming emarginate with age, ventricose; pale argillaceous turning brown, edge albofimbriate. Stipe -30 x -2.5 mm, cylindric, equal, central; pale brown, paler at apex; dry, pruinose above, longitudinally fibrillose towards white. villous base, solid, veil remnants lacking, single (and cespitose) in groups. Context brown with olive tint. Odour and taste acidulous. Spore print brown. Spores 6-7.5 x 4-5 µm, broadly phaseoliform, membrane thin-walled, brown, smooth, germ pore none. Basidia 15-25 x 5-6 µm, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 25-40 x 8-13 µm, fusoid with broad, capitate apex, membrane thin-walled, hyaline, pigment absent. Pleurocystidia absent. Caulocystidia like cheilocystidia but larger. Cuticle a celluloderm of erect chains of ovoid to globose cells (10-30 x 12-20 µm), membrane not gelatinised, encrusted with brownish (KOH) pigment. Clamp connections present.
o n rotten wood of Nothofagus (N. menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst., N. solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole). New Zealand.
Pileus -30 mm. convexus. brunneo-olivaceus, conspicue rugoso-reticulatus. Lamellae emarginato-adnatae, pallidae vel argillaceae. Stipes-30 x -2.5 mm, cylindricus, pallide brunneus, apicaliter pruinosus. Sporae 6-7.5 x 4-5 µm, subphaseoliformes, brunneae. Ad lignum putridum Nothofagi. Novazelandia.
The conspicuous vein-like net on the brown-olive pileus is a diagnostic feature not found among the other known species of New Zealand Simocybe. S. phlebophora is further characterised by the cellular structure of the pileocuticle and the fusoid-capitate cheilo- and caulocystidia.
Typus PDD 27147
New Zealand: South Island: Southland Denton Range, Te Anau, 30.111.1969, leg. Horak (PDD 27149, holotype; ZT 69/197, isotype). West Coast: Taylorville, track to Mt Sewell, 31.111.1968. leg. Horak (ZT 68/. 240). Nelson: Lake Rotoiti, track to Mt Robert, 3.V. 1968 leg. Horak (ZT 68/365).
Pileus -20 mm, hemispheric, convex or plane (in aged carpophores); fuscous or black with distinct olive tint turning grey-olive with age or drying: velutinous or tomentose all over, dry, margin not striate, hygrophanous when moist, veil remants absent. Lamellae crowded, adnate to emarginate, sometimes ventricose; olive or olive brown, edge albofimbriate, often with guttation drops in young specimens. Stipe -20 x -1.5 mm, cylindric, central equal or subbulbous at base (-3 mm diam.); concolorous with pileus or brown; dry, entirely pruinose, white base villous or with sub-strigose hairs, fistulose, guttation drops on upper portion in fresh carpophores; single or cespitose, in groups Context olive-brown. Odour and taste acidulous Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH - negative Spore print brown. Spores 5.5-8 x 4-5 µm, phaseoliform (to subamygdaliform), membrane brown, smooth, thin-walled, germ pore none. Basidia 18-25 x 5-7 µm, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 30-65 x 5-9 µm, cylindric or subfusoid with subclavate apex, membrane thin-walled, hyaline, pigment absent. Pleurocystidia none. Caulocystidia like cheilocystidia. Cuticle a cutis of cylindric hyphae (4-10 µm diam.), terminal cells distinctly cystidioid mostly fusoid with subcapitate apex, 35-70 x 5-12 µm, membranes not gelatinised, encrusted with brown (KOH) pigment. Clamp connections present.
o n rotten wood and bark of Nothofagus (N. fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst., N. menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst., /V. solandri (Hook.f.) var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole). New Zealand.
Pileus -20 mm, hemisphaericus dein convexo-planus, olivaceo-niger, velutino-pruinosus. Lamellae emarginato-adnatae, olivaceae dein brunneae. Stipes -20 x -1.5 mm, cylindricus, subbulbosus ad basim, olivaceo-brunneolus, pruinosus. Sporae 5.5-8 x 4-5 µm, phaseoliformes. brunneolae. Ad lignum putridum. Novazelandia.
For discussion see S. unica Horak.
Typus PDD 27149.
New Zealand: South Island: West Coast,' Ahaura, Kopara, 12.XII.1967, leg. Horak (PDD 27151, holotype; ZT 67/242, isotype).
Pileus -15 mm, hemispheric to convex becoming plane with age; brown or fuscous, becoming pale brown with drying; glabrous to minutely pruinose or velutinous; dry, hygrophanous, striate near margin, veil remnants absent. Lamellae (L 8-12, -3), crowded, broadly adnate to emarginate, sometimes subdecurrent with short teeth; brown to fuscous, edge albofimbriate. Stipe -25 x -1.5 mm, cylindric, central, equal above, subbulbous at base (-3 mm diam.); concolorous with pileus, often with short, white, strigose hairs; pruinose over entire length, dry, fistulose; single or cespitose, in groups, veil remnants absent. Context brown. Odour and taste not distinctive. Spore print brown. Spores 8.5-10 x 5-6 µm, phaseoliform, membrane brown, smooth, thin-walled, occasionally germ pore distinct. Basidia 30-40 x 5-7 µm, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 30-50 x 5-10 µm, cylindric to subfusoid with clavate-capitate apex, membrane thin-walled, hyaline, pigment absent. Pleurocystidia absent. Caulocystidia like cheilocystidia. Cuticle a cutis of cylindric to fusoid hyphae (6-20 µm diam.), terminal cells distinctly cystidioid, fusoid, thin-walled, hyaline or pale yellow-brown, 30-60 x 8-16^m. Hyphae of subcutis encrusted with brown pigment. Clamp connections present.
o n rotting trunk of Cordyline sp. (Agavaceae). New Zealand.
Pileus -15 mm, hemisphaericus dein convexo-planus, brunneus, glabrus vel subvelutinus. Lamellae adnato-subdecurrentes. umbrinae. Stipes -25 x-1.5 mm, cylindricus, subbulbosus, pileo concolor, pruinosus. Sporae 8.5-10 x 5-6 µm, phaseoliformes, brunneolae. Ad truncum putridum Cordylinidis. Novazelandia.
Based on the microstructure and the colour of the carpophores and the morphology of the spores and cystidia, S. tabina appears to be closely related to S. pruinata Horak. The attentive observer, however, cannot fail to distinguish the two species in the field because S. tabacina occurs on rotten trunks of Cordyline sp., has broadly adnate to subdecurrent lamellae, and its striate pileus is smooth to sub-velutinous at best.
Typus PDD 27151
New Zealand: South Island: West Coast, Ahaura, Nelson Creek near Kopara, 29.111.1968, leg. Horak (PDD 27148, holotype; ZT 68/222. isotype). Fjordland, Lake Manapouri, Shallow Bay, 6.1V. 1969, leg. Horak (ZT 69/230).
Pileus -30 mm, hemispheric when young becoming convex or plane with subdepressed centre, margin incurved; olive-brown; conspicuously velutinous, pruinose or hoary, often with a silvery, metallic sheen, dry, covered with transparent guttation drops in young specimens, margin not striate, centre distinctly wrinkled to venose in mature carpophores, veil remnants absent. Lamellae crowded, densely intermixed, adnate to adnexed, becoming emarginate in fully expanded specimens; olive-grey or olive-brown when young turning brown to fuscous, edge albofimbriate. Stipe -25 x -2 mm, cylindric, equal, central or eccentric; concolorous with pileus, entirely pruinose, dry, veil remnants none, apical portion with guttation drops in fresh specimens, fistulose; single or cespitose, in groups. Context olive-brown. Odour and taste acidulous to spermatic-farinaceous. Chemical reactions on pileus:KOH - red-brown. Spore print brown. Spores 6-6.5 x 4-5 µm, ovate to subphaseoliform, sometimes pip-shaped, membrane smooth, brown, thin-walled, germ pore none. Basidia 20-30 x 6-7 µm, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 40-80 x 3-6 µm, cylindric, apex conic or subclavate, membrane thin-walled in upper portion only, up to 1 µm diam. towards basal septum, hyaline to pale brown. Pleurocystidia absent. Caulocystidia like cheilocystidia. Cuticle a palisade of cylindric cells gradually tapering towards apex (25-70 x 2-6 µm), basal cells globose or ovoid, membrane not gelatinised, with brown (KOH) membranous or/and encrusting pigment. Clamp connections numerous.
o n rotten wood and bark of Nothofagus (N. solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. clifforlioides (Hook.f.) Poole). New Zealand,
Pileus -30 mm, convexus dein depresso-planus, olivaceo-brunneus, conspicue albovelutinus, saepe rugosus. Lamellae adnato-emarginatae, sordide olivaceo-bninneae dein tabacinae. Stipes -25 x -2 mm, cylindricus, interdum excentricus, pervelutinus, pileo concolor. Caro subfarinacea. Sporae 6-6.5 x 4-5 µm, ovatae vel subphaseoliformes, brunneolae. Ad lignum putridum Nothofagi. Novazelandia.
The very peculiar structure of the pileal cuticle makes S. unica one of the most distinctive species of Simocybe.
In the field this species can be mistaken for S. pruinata Horak since both fungi occur not only in similar ecological habitats (rotten wood and bark of Nothofagus spp.) but also share color and the hoary-velutinous surface of stipe and pileus. However, microscopic characters readily distinguish the two agarics.
Typus PDD 27148.
Identification keys
2 (1)
Pileus with distinct net-like veins, -30mm, dark brown with olive tint; stipe –30 x –2.5mm, concolorous with pileus, apically pruinose; spores 6-7.5 x 4-5 μm; cheilocystidia broadly fusoid-capitate; cuticle of clavate-vesiculose cells; on rotten wood of Nothofagus
Pileus (and stipe) distinctly velvety to hoary, olive-brown, pileus never net-like veined; lamellae adnate-emarginate; stipe pruinose all over; odour acidulous to farinaceous
3 (2)
Cuticle composed of subglobose cells with long cylindric or tapering terminal cell (septate at base); pileus –30mm, convex becoming depressed-plane; stipe –25 x –2mm, sometimes eccentric; spores 6-6.5 x 4-5 μm; on rotten wood and bark of Nothofagus
Cuticle composed of fusoid terminal cells, often with subcapitate or forked apex, basal cells not subglobose; pileus –20mm, convex to plane; stipe –20 x –1.5mmmm, apically with conspicuous guttation drops in young specimens; spores 5.5-8 x 3.5-5 μm; on rotten wood and bark of Nothofagus
4 (1)
Pileus (lamellae and stipe) yellow-brown, -15mm, smooth with granular centre, striate, convex to plane; stipe –30 x –1.5mm, cylindric, apically pruinose; spores 6-7 x 3-3.5 μm, subpyriform to cylindric; cheilocystidia lageniform; cuticle of clavate-vesiculose cells; on soils in forests
5 (4)
Pileus –10mm, convex, dark brown, minutely velutinous or felty; stipe –25 x –1.5mm, cylindric, concolorous with pileus; spores 8.5-10 x 5-6 μm; cheilocystidia subfusoid-capitate; cuticle with fusoid dermatocystidia; on rotten trunk of Cordyline
Pileus –10mm, convex to plane with small but distinct papilla, argillaceous to pale grey-brown, minutely pruinose; stipe –15 x –1mm, cylindric, concolorous with pileus, entirely pruinose; spores 6-7.5 x 4-4.5 μm,; cheilocystidia clavate, slender; cuticle palisadic composed of clavate cells; on soil in forests
Cited scientific names
18 March 2001
30 March 2001