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Kondratjuk, S.Y.; Galloway, D.J.. Daniels, F.J.A.; Schulz, M.; Peine, J. (ed) 1995: Two new lichenicolous fungi from Lobaria and Sticta (Stictaceae). Flechten Follmann. Geobotanical and Phytotaxonomical Study Group, Bot.

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Kondratjuk, S.Y.; Galloway, D.J.. Daniels, F.J.A.; Schulz, M.; Peine, J. (ed) 1995: Two new lichenicolous fungi from Lobaria and Sticta (Stictaceae). Flechten Follmann. Geobotanical and Phytotaxonomical Study Group, Bot.

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Lichenicolous fungus, parasymbiontic on the thallus of Sticta squamata, producing brown ascomata on unchanged host thalli. Ascomata apothecia, immersed only in the beginning, than conspicuously superficial and sessile, to 560 - 670 µm diam., brown to dark or reddish brown, mainly arising in groups of 3 - 4 or seldom singly. Ectal exciple rugose to fissured (= splitting), with irregular hemispherical or elongated formations, (41.8-) 50.1 - 55.7 (-83.5) µm diam. or width, brown, textura globulosa, cells brown, unequally thickened walls, ca. 5.5 - 9.0 µm diam., outer hairs well distinct at the top of some subglobose hyaline cells seen; up to 3 - 5 (-9) µm long; medullary exciple consisting of groups of hyphae. Hymenium (54.0-) 63.0 - 72.5 µm high, hyaline or slightly yellowish to yellowish-brownish. Epiphymenium much darker than hymenium, reddish brown to dark brown, 18.0 - 20.0 µm tall. Paraphyses forming a rough surface to hymenium, to 2.5 - 3.5 µm in diam. at base, slightly or markedly thickened up to 3.5 - 4.5 µm and conspicuously darkish at apices; very often agglutinated at the tops in aggregation 3-5. Subhymenium slightly yellowish to yellowish-brownish, up to 90.5 (-108.5) µm thick. Asci narrowly cylindrical evenly thin at apex, 52.0 - 54.0 x 5.0 - 5.5 µm, Lugol I-. Ascospores hyaline, narrow-ellipsoid, 1-celled, smooth (or with slightly verrucose surface, see SEM photos), 8.0 - 9.0 x 2.5 - 3.0 µm: fig. 3.
Apothecia superficialia, 560 - 670 µm diam.; in sectione transversali excipulo pallide fusco, cellulis globulosis, 5,5 - 9,0 µm crassis; hymenio (54,0-) 63,0 - 72,5 µm crasso. Asci octospori, 52 - 54 x 5,0 - 5,5 µm. Sporae hyalinae, uniseptate, 8,0 - 9,0 x 2,5 - 3,0 µm.

Unguiculariopsis triregia is most closely related to the recently described U. ahtii HAWSKW., GALLOW. et KONDR. and the more common U. thallophila (P. KARST.) ZHUANG. It differs, however, from both in having apothecia arising in groups up to 4 (in U. thallophila and U. ahtii they are solitary), in having a more differentiated and darker epithecium and thickened, agglutinated Paraphyses at the tops (in contrast, no differentiated epithecium is found in U. thallophila, and slightly darker, unthickened Paraphyses are seen at the tops in U. ahtii). Moreover, U. triregia differs from U. thallophila in the much larger apothecia (see above, 200 - 400 µm in U. thallophila), much longer and narrower asci (see above, 35 - 40 x 6 - 10 µm in U. thallophila, HAWKSWORTH [1980]). U. triregia differs from U. ahtii in having well distinct outer hairs at the tops of some exciple cells (see above, ± indistinct hyaline cells in U. ahtii), in having a much darker and thicker epihymenium (orange-brown, 9.0 - 12.5 µm tall in U. ahtii), and in having smaller and wider ascospores (9 - 12.5 x 1.5 - 2.0 µm in U. ahtii, cf. KONDRATYUK et al. 1994).

Unguiculariopsis triregia differs from U. cribriformis (NORM.) ALSTRUP et HAWSKW. in ascospore shape (globose, 5.0 - 5.5 [-6.0] µm diam.) and different hosts (U. cribriformis: Pertusaria [ALSTRUP and HAWKSWORTH 1989]). U. triregia as well as U. ahtii, U. cribriformis, and U. thallophila differ from all known species of Skyttea by having superficial apothecia at maturity, with asci having a thick homogeneous wall without distinct apical cap, globose excipular cells as well as by the absence of a greenish pigmentation of the exciple and hairs. U. triregia is the fifth known lichenicolous species of this mainly fungicolous genus.

Typus: New Zealand, North Island, Three Kings Islands, Great Island, Castaway Valley Camp, on kanuka (Kunzea ericoides), on Sticta squamata GALLOW., November 1970, D. J. GALLOWAY (CHR 375913, holotype.

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