Rifai, M.A. 1968: The Australasian Pezizales in the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. 57(3).

Rifai, M.A. 1968: The Australasian Pezizales in the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. 57(3).
Taxonomic concepts
Plectania platensis (Speg.) Rifai (1968)
Identification keys
Asci suboperculate, thick walled, long, cylindrical above, usually with much narrower, flexuous, trailing hypha-like base, of "aporhynque" type (Berthet, 1964a); ascospores hyaline, always guttulate, plurinucleate, often asymmetrical, smooth or covered by transverse or longitudinal striations or ridges unaffected ,by cotton-blue in lactic acid (except in Galiella Nannf. & Korf apud Korf, the ascospores of which are covered with callose-pectic warts); paraphyses delicate to slender, sometimes interspersed with distinctive hymenial hairs; medullary excipulum always prosenchymatous, sometimes embedded in a gelatinous matrix; apothecia though, corky, leathery, subgelatinous but never truly fleshy, lignicolous or rarely terricolous
Asci operculate, or very rarely suboperculate, thin walled, cylindrical, subclavate, clavate or saccate, base not hypha-like, of "pleurorhynque" or "aporhynque" type; ascospores hyaline to dark coloured, with or without oil globules, plurinucleate, tetranucleate or mostly uninucleate, mostly symmetrical, smooth or covered by various kinds of ornaments of callose-pectic material; paraphyses slender to stout, rarely delicate; medullary excipulum pseudoparenchymatous or prosenchymatous but never embedded in a gelatinous matrix; apothecia fleshy to firm fleshy, brittle, mostly terricolous but sometimes also on dung or other vegetable remains, or lignicolous
Asci non-amyloid; ascospores hyaline to pale yellowish; octal and medullary excipulum mostly well differentiated, many of which are of textura angularis or textura globulosa and textura intricata respectively.
Asci mostly amyloid; ascospores hyaline to dark coloured; excipular tissue mostly of subglobose or polygonal isodiametric or slightly elongated cells (textura globulosa or textura angularis):
Ascospores plurinucleate or tetranucleate; medullary excipulum always prosenchymatous; receptacle broadly effused or sponge-like, campanulate, saddle shaped or cupulate and distinctly stipitate, but if sessile they axe always large and dull coloured and have uniguttulate ascospores; terricolous.
Ascospores uninucleate; medullary excipulum prosenchymatous to pseudoparenchymatous; receptacle minute to large, lenticular, scutellate, discoid or cupulate, sessile or rarely substipitate, often with distinctive thick walled hairs; terricolous, fimicolous, lignicolous
Ascospores plurinucleate, smooth walled, without oil globules but with numerous small external guttules around their polar regions
Ascospores always tetranucleate, smooth or rarely reticulate, containing 1-3 oil globules
Apothecia small to large, discoid, scutellate cupulate or car shaped, dull whitish or brownish or often brightly coloured from the presence of carotenoid pigments; octal and medullary excipulum mostly well diffierentiated, the latter often prosenchymatous; asci cylindrical to subcylindrical, 4-8 spored; ascospores normally uniseriate, smooth or often ornamented with simple or complicated markings, mostly with oil globules
Apothecia very small, gregarious, densely crowded to confluent, orange or pinkish red, lenticular, seated on wall developed subic ulum on recently sterilized substrata; ectal and medullary excipulum pseudoparenchymatous; asci subcylindrical, thin walled 8-spored; ascospores uniseriate, smooth walled, without oil globules or gaseous bubbles
Apothecia minute, very small to small, scattered to gregarious, mostly dull coloured, habit ascoboloid, always fimicolous ectal and medullary excipulum mostly pseudoparenchymatous, usually poorly differentiated; asci one to many per apothecium, subcylindrical, broadly clavate to saccate, thin or thick walled 8-multi-spored; ascospores uniseriate, biseriate or irregular, very small to rather large, smooth walled, without oil globules (in which case the asci am thick walled) or with conspicuous and highly refractive bubbles
Ascospores hyaline or brown coloured, mostly thin walled, smooth or covered by callose-pectic markings of sporal origin
Ascospores always dark coloured and thick walled, with purple or. brown markings of extra sporal or vacuolar origin
Apothecia lignicolous; hairs coloured; ascospores smooth or longitudinally or transversely striate
Apothecia cupulate to funnel shaped, hairs conical or subcylindrical; medullary excipulum not gelatinized
Apothecia urceolate to turbinate, hairs scaly triangular; part of medullary excipulum embedded in a gelatinous matrix
Ascospores smooth walled, more or less symmetrical; octal excipulum regularly made up, almost of textura porrecta or textura prismatica
The cortical palisade-like layer beneath the hymenium less than 50 It thick; prosenchymatous layer if the receptacle interspersed with large, thick walled, nematode-like cells up to 20 um diam. Australia
The cortical palisade-like layer beneath the hymenium more than 80 um thick; large nematode-like cells absent from the prosenchymatous layer . .
Paraphyses curved at the apex; ascospores ellipsoidal, obtuse at the ends. North America
Paraphyses straight at the apex; ascospores subfusoid ellipsoidal, sometimes asymmetrical. Argentina
When young medullary excipulum gelatinized; receptacle irregularly folded or wrinkled; basal hyphae mostly minutely. warted
Ascospores broadly ellipsoidal, 20-23.5 x 12-13.5 um apothecia dark rusty brown to purple brown
Ascospores up to 29.1 um long, tubercles flattened or pulvinate, up to 2.5 um high. Australia
Ascospores less than 25.3 um long; tubercles rounded, up to 4 u high, Japan
Apothecia small to large, cupulate to discoid, outer surface mostly covered by hyaline or brown thick walled hairs, also terrestrial. Disc white, pale grey, ochraceous, brown of reddish brown. Ectal excipulum of textura angularis to textura prismatica, hyaline to pale brown, medullary excipulum well differentiated, hyphae mostly slender. Ascospores smooth to coarsely but simply ornamented. Paraphyses subclavate, straight, not green with iodine
Apothecia medium to large, rarely small, tomentose, discoid, cupulate or more often car shaped or split down on one side, always terrestrial. Disc of some shade of yellow, ochraceous, grey, brown or purple. Ectal excipulum of textura globulosa to textura angularis, sharply differentiated from the prosenchymatous medullary excipulum. Ascospores mostly smooth walled, guttulate. Paraphyses slender, often curved or hooked, sometimes lobed or forked at the apex, not green with iodine
Apothecia scutellate or discoid, sessile, small to medium sized, outer surface rarely smooth, mostly covered by characteristic, reddish brown, acuminate, basally forked rooting hairs, growing on dead wood, dung or other vegetable remains, rarely on the ground. Disc reddish orange, orange yellow or yellow. Ectal excipulum of angular, polygonal or globose cells, medullary excipulum of irregularly interwoven hyphae with cells often strongly inflated, or poorly differentiated. Ascospores ornamented with warts of various sizes, simple or complicated, or smooth but often their outer walls readily become loose when heated in lactic acid. Paraphyses straight, clavate to lobed, green in iodine
Apothecia discoid to cupulate, sessile or stipitate, small to large, outer surface with simple brown or hyaline, thin or thick walled hairs or the apothecia are hairless. Disc white, yellow, orange to red. Ectal excipulum variable, of textura intricata, textura angularis, rarely textura globulosa. Medullary excipulum well to poorly developed, also very variable, of interwoven delicate to coarse hyphae or pseudoparenchymatous. Ascospores smooth or covered by simple or com- plicated ornaments. Paraphyses delicate to stout, apex straight or curved, usually green in iodine. On the ground, often amongst mosses, rarely on mosses
Ascospores enveloped by a thin, hyaline, loose, fusiform apiculate and membrane-like follicle
Ascospores fusoidal, non-guttulate, covered by delicate transverse ridges or wrinkles
Ascospores globose, subglobose or ellipsoidal, guttulate, ornamented with minute to coarse callose-pectic warts, spines or reticula
SCUTELLINIA – AUSTRALASIAN SPECIES (exc. NZ cejpii, crinita, crucipila, lusatiae, marginata, nigrohirtula, olivascens, subbadioberbis, totaranuiensis, trechispora)
Ascospores 24.5-31.8 um long, covered by short, broken sinuate wavy and occasionally anastomosing ridges, sometimes imperfectly reticulate
Ascospores less than 25 um long, covered by minute to large, discrete, angular, orbicular, amoeboid, sometimes anastomosing warts or crests
Rooting hairs mostly low than 500 um long; ascospores broadly ellipsoidal to almost subglobose, minutely warted; apothecia mostly on damp ground
Rooting hairs mostly more than 500 um long; ascospores ellipsoidal, minutely to coarsely ornamented; apothecia generally lignicolous, occasionally also on the ground
CHEILYMENIA - AUSTRALASIAN SPECIES (exc. C. ciliata, C. fimicola, magnipila, pallida, vitellina)
Meshes of reticulations irregular, their ridges extending across the surface of the spore in various directions and resembling a cord wound about its surface
Individual tubercles appearing translucent and reticulate from the presence of numerous internal globules
Apothecia very small to small, asci broadly clavate, ascospores usually irregulary biseriate at maturity
Apothecia medium sized to very large, rarely small, asci subcylindrical or cylindrical, mature ascospores uniseriate
Apothecia when young submerged in sandy soil, ascospores large, 23.6- 27.3 um long, hyaline, smooth walled but usually indistinctly apiculate at both ends
Apothecia pale ochraceous or yellowish brown, often growing in damp cellars, green houses, between paying stones etc.
Ascospores broadly ellipsoidal, 13.8-16.3 x 10-11.5um apothecia dark blackish brown, on sand or sandy soil
Cited scientific names
- Aleuria aurantia (Pers.) Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Anthracobia muelleri (Berk.) Rifai 1968
- Cheilymenia coprinaria (Cooke) Boud. 1907
- Cheilymenia stercorea (Pers.) Boud. 1904
- Cookeina colensoi (Berk.) Seaver 1913
- Inermisia fusispora (Berk.) Rifai 1968
- Jafneadelphus calosporus Rifai 1968
- Jafneadelphus ferrugineus (W. Phillips ex Cooke) Rifai 1968
- Jafneadelphus Rifai 1968
- Leucoscypha virginea Rifai 1968
- Morchella conica Pers. 1818
- Peziza campylospora Berk. 1855
- Peziza cerea Sowerby 1795-97
- Peziza colensoi Berk. 1855
- Peziza dalmeniensis Cooke 1874
- Peziza kerguelensis Berk. 1847
- Peziza petersii Berk. 1875
- Peziza retiderma sensu Rifai 1968
- Peziza vesiculosa Bull. 1790
- Plectania campylospora (Berk.) Nannf. 1957
- Plectania platensis (Speg.) Rifai 1968
- Plectania rhytidia (Berk.) Nannf. & Korf 1957
- Plicaria endocarpoides (Berk.) Rifai 1968
- Plicaria recurva (Berk.) Rifai 1968
- Pulvinula miltina (Berk.) Rifai 1968
- Pyronema omphalodes (Bull.) Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Scutellinia badioberbis (Cooke) Kuntze 1891
- Scutellinia badioberbis (Cooke) Le Gal 1953
- Scutellinia colensoi Massee ex Le Gal 1967
- Scutellinia colensoi Massee ex Rifai 1968
- Scutellinia kerguelensis (Berk.) Kuntze 1891
- Scutellinia scutellata (L.) Lambotte 1887
10 March 2014