Hughes, S.J. 1966: New Zealand fungi. 6. Sporoschisma Berk. and Br. New Zealand Journal of Botany 4(1): 77-85.

On rotten wood and bark, Auckland Province (1) Beilschmiedia tawa, Mamaku State Forest, 22.III.1963, DAOM 93327b; (2) Corynocarpus laevigatus, Kirk's Bush, Papakura, 13.I.1963, J.M.D., PDD 20443 (DAOM 93824a) ; (3) Dysoxylum spectabile, Titirangi, 27.II.1963, J.M.D., DAOM 93795; * Freycinetia banksii (4) Titirangi, 27.II.1963, J.M.D., DAOM 93785; (5) Ruaotowhenua, Waitakere Range, 7.VIII.1963, PDD 21403 (DAOM 93903) ; (6) Cornwallis, 31.XII.1963, J.M.D., PDD 20396 (DAOM 93822a); (7) summit of Whitianga Road, Coromandel Peninsula (1,000 ft), 21.VIII.1963, DAOM 93897; Knightia excelsa (8) Puketi Forest, North Auckland, 20.VI.1963, DAOM 93905b; (9) (leaves) Walker Bush, Henderson Valley, Waitakere Range, 30.I.1963, DAOM 93825c; (10) Melicytus ramiflorus, Cascade Kauri Park, Swanson, 18.IX.1963, DAOM 93875; (11) Neopanax arboreum, Anawhata Road, Waitakere Range, 3.X.1963, PDD 21584 (DAOM 93907a) ; (12) Rhipogonum scandens, near Nihotupu Filters, Waitakere Range, 30.VIII.1963, DAOM 93786; (13) Rhopalostylis sapida (leaf sheath), Titirangi, 27.II.1963, DAOM 938426. On rotten wood, Auckland Prov., (14) Epsom, 13.I.1963, S. Davison, DAOM 93823c; Waitakere Range (15) upper Piha valley, 2.V.1963, DAOM 93817b; (16) Waiatarua, 15.II.1963, DAOM 93787; (17) Walker Bush, Henderson Valley, 27.XII.1963, PDD 20371 (DAOM 93789); (18) Fairy Falls Track, 7.VIII.1963, DAOM 109632; Mamaku State Forest (19) 22.III.1963, J. Gilmour, DAOM 93796a; (20) 22.III.1963, DAOM 93816b; Canterbury (21) Kaituna Valley, Banks Peninsula, 15.X.1963, PDD 21617 (DAOM 93788); (22) Peel Forest, 16.X.1963, DAOM 93909a.
The North American collections of this species preserved in Herb. DAOM are from Ontario and Quebec in Canada and from Long Island, Maine, and New York in the United States; these bear only the conidial state.
Colonies form a black growth of scattered or crowded, mixed tufts of stalked phialides and capitate hyphae borne on small stromata ; occasionally perithecia are present. The mycelium is immersed, composed of pale brown to dark brown hyphae, 2.0-4.0 µm wide. Stromata are for the most part superficial, brown to dark brown, pulvinate or lenticular, 30-85 µm wide, larger by confluence, and pseudoparenchymatous. Capitate hyphae are in tufts of up to 25, mixed with stalked phialides, straight or gently curved, 2- to 5-septate toward the base with the distai cell 50-85 µm long, brown to dark brown below, paler above and subhyaline at the apex, 90-200 µm long, subulate, arising from a swollen basal cell, then 7.2-9.0 µm wide, tapering to 3.5-4.5 µm below the apex which is swollen up to 10 µm wide, obovoid, and which bears a hyaline cap of ( ?) mucilage. Capitate hyphae may continue growth through the terminal bulb and then form another swelling on the prolongation. Stalked phialides are in tufts of up to eight, mixed with capitate hyphae, straight or bent, brown to dark brown, 158-265 µm long from the base of the stalk to the tip of the phialide. The stalks are 1- or 2-septate, 55-95 µm long, 8-11 µm wide above the bulbous base, more or less cylindrical and merging with the terminal phialide. The phialide is usually somewhar swollen and up to 20 µm wide towards its base, then narrowed to a more or less cylindrical collarette which is 14-17 µm wide, with the open distal end entire or slightly frayed. Phialospores are cylindrical, smooth, 3-septate, 23.4-52.0 x 10.8-13.5 µm uniformly brown to dark brown, with the terminal cells generally shorter than the central ones. Perithecia are superficial, solitary and scattered or in groups of two to seven, or densely crowded, growing amongst stalked phialides and capitate hyphae. They are subglobose to subpyriform, glaucous, with a black ostiolar papilla, 230-330 µm wide and 320-410 µm high, bearing numerous radiating capitate hyphae. Occasionally, stalked phialides have been seen growing out from the perithecial wall. Asci are unitunicate, more or less cylindrical, with a short, tapering stalk, 8-spared, 175-215 µm long and 11-15 µm wide. Ascospores are obliquely monostichous, broadly fusoid, often inaequi¬lateral, 3-septate with two, large, pale brown to brown central cells, each capped with a short and paler, subhyaline to pale brown cell, minutely roughened, very slightly constricted at the central septum or at the three septa, 25-32(38) µm long and 8.3-10.0 µm wide. Occasionally, ascospores are 5-septate and these may develop one or two longitudinal septa.
Status conidialis sub Sporoschismate mirabili Berk. et Br. descriptus fuit. Perithecia superficialia, solitaria et dispersa, 2-7 aggregata vel dense aggregata, subglobosa vel subpyriformia, glauca, papilla atra praedita, 230-330 µm lat., 320-410 µm alt., hyphis capitatis numerosis vestitis, interdum phialophoribus Sporoschismatis ornata. Asci unitunicati, plus minusve cylindrici, breve stipitati, octospori, 175-215 µm long., 11-15 µm crass. Ascosporae oblique monostichae, transverse fusoideae, saepe inaequilaterales, 3-septatae, cellulis 2 centralibus majoribus, pallide brunneis vel brunneis, cellulis 2 polaribus pallidioribus, subhyalinis vel pallide brunneis, minute verruculosis, ad septis paullo constrictis, 25-32(38) x 8.3-10.0 µm; interdum 5-septatis, cellulis 2 internalis raro septo longitudinali praeditis.
Habitat: in ligno et cortice putrido Freycinetiae banksii, Melicyti ramiflori nec non in ligno putrido plantae ignotac.
Typus: in ligno et cortice Freycinetiae banksii, New Zealand, Auckland Province, Ruaotowhenua, Waitakere Range, 7.VIII.1963, PDD 21403 (DAOM 93903b).