Hughes, S.J.; Kendrick, W.B. 1965: New Zealand fungi. 4. Zanclospora gen. nov. New Zealand Journal of Botany 3(2): 151-158.

The visible colonies are widely effused or they may form brownish, com¬pact fructifications up to 1 mm in diameter but larger by confluence; they are composed of simple phialophores bearing straw-coloured to alutaceous globules of phialospores. The mycelium is immersed and composed of pale brown to dark brown, septate, branched hyphae 2.7-3.6 µm wide. The phialophores are simple, arise singly from swollen cells of the repent hyphae, and are crowded or in a thin turf 100-175(-220) µm high. They are generally straight, brown to dark brown, paler toward the distal end, septate, smooth-walled, 5.4-7.0 µm wide just above the basal cell which is up to 13 µm wide, tapering gradually to 4 µm toward the rounded apex. The cells of the phialophore are 14-18 µm long toward the base and progressively shorter toward the apex, where they are 3.6-5.0 µm long. The apical cell occasionally bears a collarette and functions as a phialide, but usually the apical 3 to 5 cells are sterile. The phialides, which occur in whorls of up to 7, arise just below the distal septa of a series of 4-6(-8) cells of the phialophore below the generally sterile apex. They are sessile, straight, narrowly ovoid to ovoid, generally tightly adpressed to the phialophore, pale brown to subhyaline, 6.4-9.4(-12.0) µm long, 3.0-4.0 µm wide, with an apical, hyaline to subhyaline, more or less funnel-shaped collarette 2.0-2.8 µm wide and 1.4-2.1 µm deep. The phialospores are hyaline, curved, and narrowly obovoid, being blunt at the distal end and tapered at the other, 5.4-8.0(-9.4) µm long, 1.4-2.0 µm wide, non-setulate, non-septate, produced in slime and finally enveloping the phialides as a straw-coloured to alutaceous mass.
Coloniae compactae vel effusae, brunneae. Mycelium immersum, ex hyphis septatis, ramosis, pallide brunneis vel brunneis 2.7-3.6 µm lat. compositum. Phialophora simplicia, recta, interdum curvata, brunnea vel atrobrunnea, supra pallidiora, levia, septata, 100-175(-220) µm long., supra basim 5.4-7.0 µm lat., apicem versus 4 µm lat., cellulis apicalibus 3-5 sterilibus. Phialides ad 7 in verticillo ex cellulis 4-6(-8) contiguis phialophorarum oriundae, sessiles, rectae, anguste ovoideae vel ovoideae, plerumque in phialophoro adpressae; pallide brunneae vel subhyalinae, 6.4-9.4(-12) x 3.0-4.0 µm, strophio infundibuli¬forme hyalino vel subhyalino, 2.0-2.8 µm lat., 1.4-2.1 µm alt., praeditae. Phialospora hyalina, leniter curvata, anguste obovoidea, ad basim attenuata, 5.4-8.0 (-9.4) x 1.4-2.0 µm non-setulata, non-septata, in massam mucosam strami¬neam vel alutaceam producta.
Habitat: in cortice Nothofagi solandri var. cliffortioidis.
Typus: in cortice Nothofagi solandri var. cliffortioidis, New Zealand, Wellington Province, Whakapapanui Track, Tongariro National Park, 5.III.1963, PDD 20647 (DAOM 96413b).
On bark of Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides, Wellington Province, Whakapapanui Track, Tongariro National Park, 5.III.1963, PDD 20647 (type) (DAOM 96413b).
The visible colonies are widely effused or compact and velutinous, brown¬ish, composed of mostly branched phialophores bearing hyaline to pale straw-coloured globules of phialospores.
The mycelium is immersed and composed of pale brown to dark brown, septate, branched hyphae 2.0-5.4 µm wide. The phialophores are simple or branched, arise singly or in groups of up to 5 from swollen cells of the repent hyphae, and are crowded or form a thin turf 155-550(-750) µm high. The main stalk is straight or bent, brown to dark brown, paler toward the distal end, septate, markedly thick-walled towards the base and thinner-walled above, 5.0-6.5 µm wide just above the basal cell which is up to 14 µm wide, tapering gradually to 1.6-2.4 µm toward the subacute apex. The main stalk bears 1 to 3, straight or flexuous, unilateral or alternate branches arising almost at right angles to the main stalk then curving upward. Secondary and tertiary branches may also develop. The distal sterile ends of the main stalk and branches have the walls ornamented with numerous disc-like excrescences up to 1.6 µm wide and 0.4 µm high.
The phialides, which occur in whorls of 3 to 7, arise just below the distal septa of a series of (1-)2-3(-4) cells of the phialophore; such fertile zones develop toward the bases of the main stalk and its branches. The cells of the phialophores vary considerably in length, those bearing the phialides being as short as 5-0 µm, the others being progressively longer towards the base and apex of the main stalk or its branches. The phialides are sessile, straight, narrowly ovoid to ovoid, generally tightly adpressed to the main stalk or branches that bear them, pale brown to subhyaline, 9.4-13.5(-17.5) µm long, 3.5-4 µm wide below, and 1.0-1.6 µm wide at the tapered, open distal end, which lacks a well defined collarette.
The phialospores are hyaline, strongly or gently curved, falcate, 18-35 µm long, 1.6-2.6 µm wide non-setulate, non-septate, produced in slime and finally enveloping the phialides as a hyaline or pale straw-coloured mass.
Coloniae compactae vel effusae, brunneae. Mycelium immersum, ex hyphis septatis, ramosis, pallide brunneis 2.0-5.4µm lat. Compositum. Phialospora simplicia vel ramosa, recta vel flexuosa, brunnea vel atrobrunnea, supra pallidiora, septata, 155-550(-750) µm long., supra basim 5-0-6-5 µm lat., apicem versus 1-6-2-4 µm lat.; apice sterili elongato, verrucis planis ad 1-6 µm lat., 0.4 µm alt., ornato. Phialides 3-7 in verticillo ex cellulis (1-) 2-3 (-4) contiguis phialophorarum oriundae, sessiles, rectae, anguste ovoideae vel ovoideae, plerumque in phialophoro adpressae, pallide brunneae vel subhyalinae, 9.4-13.5 (-17.5) µm long, basim versus 3.5-4.0 µm lat., apicem versus ad 1.0-1.6 µm, attenuatae, strophio inconspicuo praeditae.
Phialospora hyalina, fortiter vel paullum curvata, falcata, 18-35 x 1.6-2.6 µm, non¬setulata, non-septata, in massam mucosam hyalinam vel stramineam producta.
Habitat: in ligno et cortice Libocedri bidwillii, Notbofagi fuscae, N. truncatae, Weinmannia racemosae nec non in ligno putrido plantae ignotae.
Typos: in ligno et cortice Weinmanniae racemosae, New Zealand, Westland, Lake lanthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, PDD 20737 (DAOM 96020a).