Hughes, S.J. 1969: New Zealand fungi. 13. Trichocladium Harz. New Zealand Journal of Botany 7(2): 153-157.

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Hughes, S.J. 1969: New Zealand fungi. 13. Trichocladium Harz. New Zealand Journal of Botany 7(2): 153-157.
COLLECTIONS: New Zealand, Auckland Province, Coromandel Peninsula (1-3), Whangapoua Saddle, 5.IX.1963, PDD 21492 (type) (DAOM 96235a), DAOM 96193, 96224b; (4) Kauri Reserve, Coromandel-Whitianga Road, 6.IX.1963, DAOM 96196a.
Colonies black, effuse, up to 2 cm wide but larger by confluence. Mycelium immersed, composed of subhyaline to pale brown, branched, septate, smooth, intracellular hyphae 1.8-7.2 µm, wide, with the cells cylindrical or rounded and occupying the outer four or five layers of cells of the host.
Conidiophores rarely extend beyond the limits of the thickened outer wall of the host; they consist merely of a more or less cylindrical or distally expanding extension from hyphal cells within the epidermal cells of the host. These extensions are 3.6-5.4 µm long and 1.3-1.6 µm wide below. Up to three such conidiophores may develop in each host epidermal cell, usually from separate hyphal cells but occasionally two from a single cell.
Conidia develop singly as the blown-out ends of the conidiophores. The transverse septum which cuts off the conidium initial arises either at the level of the outer wall of the host or at a lower level in which case the expanding initial is partially immersed in a funnel-shaped depression in the host wall. The conidium initial expands, becomes coloured and develops up to four transverse septa.
Mature conidia are smooth, generally broadly ellipsoidal, occasionally obovoid, rarely pyriform, straight, thick-walled, the outer walls being up to 1.5 µm thick and the transverse walls 2.0-2.8 µm thick, with the cells scarcely or not at all inflated. The basal scar may be inconspicuous or flat on a short denticle. The basal cell in most conidia and the apical cell of 3 and 4-septate conidia may be thinner-walled ad paler than the other cells. The septa are somewhat obscured by darker bands of colour in the wall. Germ pores are absent. Conidia are very variable in dimensions. Measurements from the four collections are as follows: 1-septate, 16.2-27.0 x 10.8-16.2 µm; 2-septate, 23.4-36.0 x 10.8-16.2 µm; 3-septate, 30.0-41.4 x 10.8-19.8(23) µm; 4-septate, 36.0-41.5 x 14.4-16.2 µm.
Conidiophores rarely extend beyond the limits of the thickened outer wall of the host; they consist merely of a more or less cylindrical or distally expanding extension from hyphal cells within the epidermal cells of the host. These extensions are 3.6-5.4 µm long and 1.3-1.6 µm wide below. Up to three such conidiophores may develop in each host epidermal cell, usually from separate hyphal cells but occasionally two from a single cell.
Conidia develop singly as the blown-out ends of the conidiophores. The transverse septum which cuts off the conidium initial arises either at the level of the outer wall of the host or at a lower level in which case the expanding initial is partially immersed in a funnel-shaped depression in the host wall. The conidium initial expands, becomes coloured and develops up to four transverse septa.
Mature conidia are smooth, generally broadly ellipsoidal, occasionally obovoid, rarely pyriform, straight, thick-walled, the outer walls being up to 1.5 µm thick and the transverse walls 2.0-2.8 µm thick, with the cells scarcely or not at all inflated. The basal scar may be inconspicuous or flat on a short denticle. The basal cell in most conidia and the apical cell of 3 and 4-septate conidia may be thinner-walled ad paler than the other cells. The septa are somewhat obscured by darker bands of colour in the wall. Germ pores are absent. Conidia are very variable in dimensions. Measurements from the four collections are as follows: 1-septate, 16.2-27.0 x 10.8-16.2 µm; 2-septate, 23.4-36.0 x 10.8-16.2 µm; 3-septate, 30.0-41.4 x 10.8-19.8(23) µm; 4-septate, 36.0-41.5 x 14.4-16.2 µm.
HABITAT: on dead, fallen leaf-sheaths of Rhopalostylis sapida.
Mycelium ex hyphis immersis, subhyalinis vel pallide brunneis, ramosis, septatis, laevibus, 1.8-7.2 µm lat. compositum. Conidiophora minuta, immersa, plus minusve cylindrica, 3.6-5.4 µm long., 1.3-1.6 µm crass., ex hyphis intracellularibus oriunda, per parietem externalem epidermidis. Conidia numerosa, ad 4-septata, ad septas non vel vix constricts, laevia, ellipsoidea vel obovoidea, rare pyriformia, crasso-tunicata, atrobrunnea; cellula basali plerumque pallidiore, cellula apicali in conidiis 3- vel 4-septatis etiam pallidiore. Poris germinationis deest. Conidia 1-septata, 16.2-27.0 x 10.8-16.2 µm; 2-septata, 23.4-6.0 x 10.8-16.2 µm; 3-septata, 30.0-41.4 x 10.8-19.8(23) µm; 4-septata 36.-41.5 x 14.4-16.2 µm.
HABITAT: in vagina foliis emortuis et delapsis Rhopalostylidis sapidae. New Zealand.
HABITAT: in vagina foliis emortuis et delapsis Rhopalostylidis sapidae. New Zealand.
TYPUS: Auckland Province, Coromandel Peninsula, Whangapoua Saddle, 5.IX.1963, PDD 21492 (DAOM 96235a).
Cited scientific names
2 April 2001