Rossi, W. 1984: New and interesting Laboulbeniales from Australia and New Zealand. Kew Bulletin 39(4): 753-757.

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Rossi, W. 1984: New and interesting Laboulbeniales from Australia and New Zealand. Kew Bulletin 39(4): 753-757.
Five parasites, two of which bear perithecia, were found on various parts of the body of a single Kenodactylus capito Broun from Hut Cove, Antipodes Islands 1 Feb. 1969, P.M. Johns s.n. (holotype: slide no. 9418, K). Three additional young specimens were found on one K. capito from Carnley Bay, Auckland Islands, preserved in the Natural History Museum of Paris (paratypes).
Main axis usually curved, composed of 20-32 cells, the 3 to 6 lower being dark brown-coloured, the others hyaline. Basal cell elongated; suprabasal slightly longer than broad; cells of secondary receptacle about equal in height, but progressively broader towards the base of perithecium. Tertiary cells hyaline and elongated laterally. Appendages and antheridia very numerous, the latter more abundant in the central portion of the axis but entirely lacking above and below. Appendages short, consisting of 3-4, slightly longer than broad, brown cells separated by black, thick septa, and of an elongated, hyaline terminal cell tapering to the tip. Antheridial branchlets consisting of a greyish basal cell one and a half times longer than broad separated by a very thin septum from a much elongated anteridium [sic] with curved, hyaline apex. Perithecium faintly tinged with brown-yellow, sessile, nearly symmetrical, stout, ovoid, with a blunt apex.
Total length 380-430 µm; perithecium 85-100 x 115-150 µm; spores about 60 µm; longest appendages 65 µm.
Total length 380-430 µm; perithecium 85-100 x 115-150 µm; spores about 60 µm; longest appendages 65 µm.
Praecipuus axis plerumque arcuatus, e 20-32 cellulis constans, quarum inferiores fuscae, ceterae veto hyalinae. Basalis cellula elongata; subbasalis paulo longior quam latior; ceterae inter se longitudine suppares, latitudine autem ab imo ad summum gradatim longiores. Cellulae tertiae hyalinae et elongatae. Appendices et antheridia complura. Appendices breves constant e ter vel quattuor brunneis cellulis paulo longioribus quam latioribus a crassis ac atris septis separatis, atque ex ultima elongata hyalina acuta cellula. Antheridia elongata, ad apices hyalina et incurvata, singulis parvis ac cinereis cellulis instructa. Perithecium pallens, sessile, fere aequale, ovatum, obtuso apice praeditum. Tota longitudo: 380-430 µm; perithecium: 85-100 x 115-150 µm; sporae: circiter 60 µm; maximae appendices: 65 µm.
Parasitus Kenodactyli capilonis Broun quasdam insulas Novae Zealandiae incolentis.
Parasitus Kenodactyli capilonis Broun quasdam insulas Novae Zealandiae incolentis.
Rhachomyces kenodactyli is well distinguished in all its characters and appears to be unrelated to any other known species. Its more peculiar features are the very flat cells of main axis, the very large number of antheridia, and the broad perithecium (Plate 36 B).
Cited scientific names
24 August 2004