Vánky, K. 1992: Taxonomical studies on Ustilaginales. IX. Mycotaxon 43: 417-425.

Taxonomic concepts
Entorrhiza on Scirpus and Elaeochris
In her monograph of Entorrhiza, J. M. Fineran (1978b:37) gave spore measurements for E. scirpicola (Correns) Saccardo & P. Sydow (on different Eleocharis and Scirpus species) of (10-)13-20(-23.5) x (16-)18-28.5(-31.5) µm, while Correns (1897:38) for his Schinzia scirpicola (on Scirpus pauciflorus Lightf. = Eleocharis guinqueflora (F. X. Hartmann) 0. Schwarz), the type of E. scirpicola, gave 11-14 x 16-20 µm. This discrepancy stimulated me to check the literature and herbarium specimens, i. a. those obtained from Dr. Judith M. Fineran, during my visit to New Zealand. Hooper & Spooner (1981), studying four collections of E. scirpicola on Eleocharis quinqueflora from Great Britain, gave spore measurements of 9-13 x 13-16.5 µm. I found spores of the type specimen to be 11-16 x 13-20 µm (including ornamentation). Fineran, in the characterisation of E. scirpicola, besides examining the type and a collection on Eleocharis quingueflora from Färöarna, included also collections on Scirpus basilaris, S. cernuus, and S. setaceus from New Zealand. These collections differ widely from the type of E. scirpicola. The spores are considerably larger, lemon-shaped and long-ellipsoidal rather than broadly ellipsoidal and, as Fineran (1978b:40) correctly remarked "in the New Zealand collections, the ridges are usually almost parallel to the longitudinal axis of the spore" (comp. also Fineran, 1971:501, Fig. 7; 1978a:845, Figs 25-28), while in the type the ridges are obliquely disposed in irregular spiral lines, often interrupted, anastomosing and branching, as illustrated beautifully by Hooper & Spooner (1981:504, Fig. 1 c). In the New Zealand specimens the ridges are rather uniform.
On Scirpus and Eleocharis, besides E. scirpicola, there are several well-delimited Entorrhiza species, such as E. raunkiaeriana Ferdinandsen & Winge (1914:8), on Scirpus fluitans L., an undescribed species on Scirpus parvulus (in Rbh., Fgi. eur. 1199b), and another species on some specimens from New Zealand. For the latter I am proposing [this] name: