Sutton, B.C.; Ganapathi, A. 1978: Trimmatostroma excentricum sp. nov., on Eucalyptus from New Zealand and Fiji. New Zealand Journal of Botany 16(4): 529-533.

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Sutton, B.C.; Ganapathi, A. 1978: Trimmatostroma excentricum sp. nov., on Eucalyptus from New Zealand and Fiji. New Zealand Journal of Botany 16(4): 529-533.
Lesions up to 0.5 cm diam., more-or-less circular, separate, rarely confluent, dark greyish brown, raised, with a distinct, slightly darker irregular margin. Mycelium initially immersed, epidermal to subcuticular, of pale brown, irregularly branched, smooth hyphae 2-5 µm wide, merging by rupture of the cuticle or through stomata to become superficial, then repent and anastomosing until conidiophores are formed to produce sporodochia which at maturity often consist of a peripheral region of conidiophores and conidia and a central region of sterile vegetative mycelium; sometimes there is no central sterile area and the conidioma is then a normal sporodochium. Conidiomata sporodochial, amphigenous, mostly epiphyllous, sometimes concentrically arranged, dark brown to black, dry, powdery, pulvinate, discrete, confined to the lesions, up to 200 µm diam. Conidiophores micronematous, meristematic, branched at the base, septate, pale brown, smooth, aggregated into a loose sporodochium, often with differential thickening in the periclinal wall, one side having a thinner wall than ;he other, up to 45 X 3-4 µm. Conidiogenous cells iolothallic, integrated, terminal, cylindrical to doliiform, fragmenting, 7.5-11 X 3.5-4.5 µm. Conidia formed in sparingly branched, basipetal chains, smooth, pale brown, 4-celled, consisting of an upper and a lower truncate-ended primary cell separated by a thick, dark brown, transverse septum; each cell so delimited produces a much smaller, single, lateral, more-or-less globose secondary cell on the same side of the conidium and situated either side of the primary septum; the conidial wall opposite the lateral cells is considerably thicker than the rest of the conidium. The two primary cells combined are 9-11 X 3-4 µm. The secondary cells are 2.5-4.5 µm diam.
Laesiones usque ad 0.5 cm diam., plus minusve circulares, separatae, raro confluentes, atro vel griseo brunneae, elevatae, cum margine distincto leniter atriore. Mycelium immersum, epidermale vel subcuticulare, ex hyphis pallide brunneis, irregulariter ramosis, laevibus, 2-5 µm crassis forinatum; dein superficiale, repens, anastomosans. Sporodochia amphigena, plerumque epiphylla, raro concentrica, atro brunnea vel atra, sicca, pulveracea, discreta, in lesionibus limitata, usque ad 200 µm diam. Conidiophora micronematosa, meristematica, ad basim ramosa, septata, pallide brunnea, laevia, in sporodochiis laxis, parietibus periclinalibus aliter crassis, usque ad 45 X 3-4 µm. Cellalae conidiogenae holothallicae, in conidiophoris incorporatae, terminales, cylindricae vel doliiformes, fragmentes, 7.5-11 X 3.5-4.5 µm. Conidia in catenis, basipetis, raro ramosis formata, laevia, pallide brunnea, quadricellularia, cum duobus cellulis primariis 9-11 X 3-4 µm, et duobus cellulis lateralibus secondariis 2.5-4.5 µm diam.; septa prominentia, atro brunnea.
In foliis vivis et emortuis Eucalypti delegatensis, Tokoroa, New Zealand, R. Beresford, April 1977, IMI 225395a, holotypus, PDD 37675, isotypus.
Eucalyptus sp., Lautoka, Viti Levu, Fiji, E.H.C. McKenzie, 4 Mar. 1977, PDD 37682, IMI 226673, paratypi.
Eucalyptus sp., Lautoka, Viti Levu, Fiji, E.H.C. McKenzie, 4 Mar. 1977, PDD 37682, IMI 226673, paratypi.
Cited scientific names
10 September 2004