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McNabb, R.F.R. 1962: The genus Exobasidium in New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 1(20): 259-268.

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McNabb, R.F.R. 1962: The genus Exobasidium in New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 1(20): 259-268.

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Dracophyllum prostratum Kirk.

Otago: Fiordland, Secretary Island, February 1960, R.F.R.Mc, 19668. Dracophyllum uniflorum Hook, f.

Otago: Fiordland, Secretary Island, February 1960, R.F.R.Mc, Type Collection P.D.D. Herb. No. 19664.

Systemic in shoots, causing hypertrophy in infected leaves and stems; hymenium hypophyllous, white, basidia at first protruding between epidermal cells in fascicles of 3-6, forming a continuous layer over undersurface of leaf at maturity, cylindrical to subclavate, projecting 25 µ.-45 µ. beyond cuticle, 5.0-6.5 µ. wide; sterigmata 2-(3), conical, 6.0-8.5 µ. long; basidiospores hyaline, smooth, cylindrical or slightly clavate, base not hooked, 20.0-27.0 x 5.0-8.0 µ,, average 23.5 x 6.5 µ., germinating spores 0-(l)-septate; conidia absent.
New Zealand.
Systemicum in surculis, efficiens hypertrophiam in frondibus et stirpibus infectis, hymenio albo, plerumque hypophyllio; basidia cylindrica vel subclavata, 3-6-nario disposita, 25?45 µ ultra cuticulam eminentia, 5.0-6.5 µ lata; sterigmata 2?(3), conica, 6.0?8.5 µ longa; basidiosporae hyalinae, leves, cylindricae vel tenuiter clavatae, basi non hamata, 20.0-27.0 (23.5) x 5.0-8.0 (6.5) µ, sporae germinantes 0?(1)-septatae; conidia absentia.

The hosts are endemic species confined to the mountains of the South Island and southern North Island (Allan 1961, p. 524, 526). In both species the infection is similar, causing hypertrophy in leaves, sheathing leaf bases and stems, accompanied by elongation of infected parts and a red-violet colouration.

Exobasidium dracophyllii is characterised by long, broad basidiospores and bisterigmate basidia.

Canterbury: Cass, May 1958, W. R. Philipson, Type Collection P.D.D. Herb. No. 19670.

C. fraseri is an endemic species occurring in both Islands (Allan 1961, p. 517). The symptom expression is an increase in the diameter of infected stems while leaves are not infected and remain unchanged.

Systemic, causing hypertrophy in infected stems; hymenium white, scanty, basidia at first protruding between epidermal cells in fascicles of 3-6, forming a semi-continuous layer over surface of stem at maturity, cylindrical to subclavate, projecting 25-35 µ beyond cuticle, 4.5-6.5 µ, wide; sterigmata 2, conical, 5-7 µ, long; basidiospores hyaline, smooth, cylindrical or nearly so, occasionally moderately hooked at base, 16.0-23.0 x 3.5-6.5 µ, average 19.0 x 4.5 µ., germinating spores aseptate; conidia absent.
New Zealand.
Systemicum, efficiens hypertrophiam in stirpibus infectis, hymenio albo, exiguo; basidia cylindrica vel subclavata, 3-6-nario disposita, 25-35/t ultra cuticulam eminentia, 4.5?6.5/i lata; sterigmata 2, conica 5-7/t longa; basidiosporae hyalinae, leves, cylindricae vel paene cylindricae, interdum modice hamatae ad basim, 16.0-23.0 (19.0) x 3.5-6.5 (4.5) µ, sporae germinantes aseptatae; conidia absentia.

Host: Cyathodes fraseri (A. Cunn.) Allan.

Characteristic features of Exobasidium fraserii are long, cylindrical, aseptate basidiospores and bisterigmate basidia.

HOST. Pentachondra pumila (J. R. & G. Forst.) R. Br. Otago, Fiordland, Secretary Island, February 1960, R.F.R.Mc, Type Collection P.D.D.Herb. No. 19669.
Systemic in shoots, causing hypertrophy in infected leaves and shoots; hymenium hypophyllous, white, basidia at first protruding between epidermal cells in fascicles of 3-6, forming a continuous layer over undersurface of leaf at maturity, subclavate, projecting 25-35 µ, beyond cuticle, 4.0-5.0 µ. wide; sterigmata 2, conical, 2.5-3.5 µ. long; basidiospores hyaline, smooth, cylindrical, slightly hooked at base, 13.0-19.0 x 2.5-3.5 µ, average 15.5 x 3.0 µ, germinating spores 0-(4)-septate; conidia absent.
New Zealand.
Systemicum in surculis, efficiens hypertrophiam in frondibus et stirpibus infectis, hymenio albo, plerumque hypophyllio; basidia subclavata, 3-6-nario disposita, 25-35/i ultra cuticulam eminentia, 4.0-5.Ofi lata; sterigmata 2, conica, 2.5-3.5/i longa; basidiosporae hyalinae, leves, cylindricae, tenuiter hamatae ad basim, 13.0-19.0 (15.5) x 2.5-3.5 (3.0)/i sporae germinantes 0-(4)?septatae; conidia absentia.

The host is an indigenous species occurring in the mountains of both islands and extending to Australia and Tasmania (Allan 1961, p. 514). Infection by Exobasidium pentachondrae causes shoots to become hypertrophied, elongated, and red-violet in colour.

E. pentachondrae is characterised by narrow, bisterigmate basidia and narrow cylindrical spores.

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3 April 2001