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McKenzie, E.H.C.; Matthews, B.D. 1977: Drechslera nobleae sp.nov. on ryegrass. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 68(2): 309-311.

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McKenzie, E.H.C.; Matthews, B.D. 1977: Drechslera nobleae sp.nov. on ryegrass. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 68(2): 309-311.

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Paratypes PDD 34673, on seeds of Lolium multiflorum Lam. ‘Grasslands Tama’ Westerwolds N.Z., 1975, E.H.C. McKenzie; PDD 34674 on yellowing leaves of ‘Grasslands Tama’ NZ., 1975, E.H.C. McKenzie.

Hyphae subhyaline to pale brown, smooth, septate, 3-6 µm thick. Conidiophores solitary, erect, straight, septate, geniculate near the apex, mid to dark brown, paler at the apex, up to 45o µm long, 6-11 µm thick, sometimes swollen at the base to 9-23 µm. Conidia solitary, pale straw-coloured, smooth-walled, with maximum thickness at the first septum or at second cell from base, tapering uniformly to the apex, second cell often broader than long, 3-8 (mostly 4-7) pseudosepta, 55-125 µm long, 9-19 (mostly 11-15) µm wide in the broadest part, 6-10 µm at the apex; hilum 3-4 µm wide. The conidia germinate usually by the production of a germ-tube from the second cell, and occasionally also from the apical cell.
On seeds and yellowing leaves of Lolium.

Mycelium ex hyphis subhyalinis vel pallide brunneis, laevibus, septatis, 3-6 µm crassis compositum. Conidiophora solitaria, erecta, recta, septata, apice geniculata, brunnea vel atro-brunnea, apicem versus pallidiora, usque ad 450µm longa, interdum ad basim 9-23 µm, inflata, supra basim 6-11 µm crassa. Conidia solitaria, straminea, laevia, recta, convergentia, maxima srassitudine versus primum septum vel secundum cellulam, cellula secunda saepe latiore quam longa, 3-8 (plerumque 4-7) pseudoseptis, 55-125 µm longa, 9-19 (plerumque 11-15), um lata, apicem versus 6-10 µm; hilo 3-4 µm lato.

Habitat ex seminibus et fohis flavescentibus generis Lolium. Holotypus PDD 34672 (Isotypus IMI 2026o1). Paratypi PDD 34673, PDD 34674. `

The conidia are similar to those of the Drechslera state of Pyrenophora dictyoides Paul & Parbery and to those of the invalidly published D. andersenii Scharif. The conidiophores are like those of D. siccans (Drechsler) Shoemaker and D. avenacea (Curtis ex Cke) Shoemaker. P. dictyoides and D. siccans are common on ryegrass seed in New Zealand but D. nobleae can be readily distinguished from these species by the shape of the conidia and by their position on the conidiophore. D. nobleae has tapered conidia produced close together at the end of the conidiophore. The conidia of P. dictyoides are tapered, but they are widely spaced on the conidiophore. The conidia of D. siccans are produced near the apex of the conidiophore, but the conidia are cylindrical. D. andersenii also has tapered conidia but the large scars on the conidiophore are widely spaced, whilst D. avenacea has typically almost cylindrical conidia.
Holotype PDD 34672 (Isotype IMI 2o26o1), on seeds of Lolium (multiflorum x perenne) 'Grasslands Manawa' N.Z., 1975, E.H.C. McKenzie.

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6 March 2003
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