Sherwood, M.A. 1977: The Ostropalean fungi. Mycotaxon 5(1): 1-277.

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Taxonomic concepts
Apothecia at first immersed, opening by a pore, not becoming erumpent, 0.2-0.5 mm diam., somewhat elongate in outline, with a narrow, entire to stellate, whitish-grey border and very deeply urceolate brown disc. Margin,in cross section 40 µm thick at the broadest point, nearly obsolete below, the wall consisting of 4-5 layers of interwoven brown hyphae 1.5 µm diam., the crystalline layer moderately prominent, the periphysoids 5 x l5 µm, unbranched, sparse. Subhymenium 5-10 µm thick, J-, of small angular cells resting on a continuation of the brown wall. Paraphyses numerous, filiform, 1.0 µm thick below, enlarged to 1.5-2.0 µm above, faintly brown, J-. Asci 400-475 x 5-6 µm, the cap 6-7 µm thick, pierced by a narrow pore. Ascospores nearly as long as the asci, strictly filiform, 2.0 µm broad, septate, the cells 2.5-4 µm long.
Ascocarpi primum immersi, profunde cupulati, 0.2-0.5 mm diam., margine integro vel lacerato, albo, disco brunneo. Margo in sectione transversali 40 µm crassus, siccus ab hymenio se abrumpens, hypharum pariete 1.5 µm diam., brunneo. Stratum crystallinum 30 µm crassum. Periphysoidea 5 x 1.5 µm, non ramosa. Paraphyses filiformes, simplices, 475 x 1.0 µm, pallide brunneae, in iodo non caerulescentes. Asci 400-475 x 5-6 µm, apice 6-7 µm crassi, 8-spori. Sporae 375-450 x 2.0 µm, cellulis 2.5-4 µm longis.
On a fern stalk, New Zealand.
This species is distinctive because it is taller than broad and seems transitional to Robergea. It differs from R. canariense in having a strictly vertical orientation, opening by a pore, and having brown paraphyses and more closely-septate spores.
PDD 32648, on stipes of Dicksonia squarrosa near track, Horseshoe Bay, Stewart Island, New Zealand, J. M. Dingley, 17 Feb. 1954.
Cited scientific names
- Acarosporina Sherwood 1977
- Platygloea disciformis (Fr.) Neuhoff 1936
- Propolis emarginata (Cooke & Massee) Sherwood 1977
- Propolomyces farinosus (Pers.) Sherwood 1977
- Stictis brachyspora (Sacc. & Berl.) Sherwood 1977
- Stictis dicksoniae Sherwood 1977
- Stictis dumontii Sherwood 1977
- Stictis fuscella Sherwood 1977
- Stictis prominens Sherwood 1977
- Stictis punctiformis Cooke 1879
- Stictis serpentaria Ellis & Everh. 1897
- Stictis tiliae Lasch 1845
- Stictis virginea Cooke & W. Phillips 1879
26 August 2003