Toelken, H.R. 2002: The annual taxa of the Crassula sieberiena complex in South Australia. The South Australian Naturalist 76(1/2): 4–13.

Toelken, H.R. 2002: The annual taxa of the Crassula sieberiena complex in South Australia. The South Australian Naturalist 76(1/2): 4–13.
Identification keys
Key to species and subspecies of the C. sieberiana complex in South Australia
Fruiting calyx 0.6-0.9 (-1.1) mm, with lobes spreading, thick and fleshy, rarely with a membranous margin; annuals spreading becoming decumbent, loosely branched with lower branches often becoming as long as main branch; hypo- and epicotyl (lowest 2 internodes) scarcely elongated (WA; NT; Qld; NSW; Vic; SA: NW, LE, FR, EP, MU, SE)
Fruiting calyx (1.1-) 1.3-2.2 mm long, with lobes clasping against one another, or if not then flattened to more or less membranous margins; perennials with fleshy decumbent branches, or if annuals usually stiffly erect, with few shorter basal branches, or if longer then hypo- and usually epicotyl much elongated
Perennials with basal branches fleshy; hypo- and usually epicotyl scarcely elongated; fruiting follicles erect (Qld; NSW; Vic; SA: SL; Tas; NZ)
Annual with basal branches fleshy becoming wiry-woody; hypo- and epicotyl much longer than lower leaves; fruiting follicles reclining; (WA; SA: EP)
Fruiting follicles distinctly bulging around the lower seed, with margins of dehisced suture recurved and collar-like around the pore on the upper two-third; seeds usually smooth and shiny
Fruiting follicles not or scarcely bulging around the lower seed, with margins of the dehisced suture erect around the pore over much of the length of the follicle; seeds variously
Fruiting calyx about as long as corolla lobes and follicles, cup-like with lobes more or less erect; seeds (0.35-) 0.4-0.47 (-0.55) mm long; (WA; SA: EP)
Fruiting calyx about twice the length of the corolla lobes and follicles, more or less clasping to form a four-sided pyramid; seeds 0.34).35 (-0.38) mm long:
Seed surface with short ridges in longitudinal lines and each rugose; follicles erect to scarcely recurved, smooth or granulate; (NSW; Vic; SA: NL, SL, MU, SE; NZ)
Seed surface smooth and usually shiny, rarely with vertical ridges; fruiting follicles more or less reclining, papillose on the outside of the lower seed; (WA; Vic; SA: NU, EP, YP, NL, SL, KI, SE)
Cited scientific names
2 September 2005