Meyrick, E. 1911: Notes and descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. Parts I and II. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 43: 57-78.

Meyrick, E. 1911: Notes and descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. Parts I and II. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 43: 57-78.
Cited scientific names
- Aletia falsidica (Meyrick, 1911)
- Borkhausenia asphaltis Meyrick, 1911
- Carposina amalodes Meyrick, 1911
- Chloroclystis melochlora Meyrick, 1911
- Cnephasia holorphna Meyrick, 1911
- Cnephasia microbathra Meyrick, 1911
- Crambus shedias Meyrick, 1911
- Cremnogenes monodonta Meyrick, 1911
- Cryptolechia semnodes Meyrick, 1911
- Dasyuris leucobathra Meyrick, 1911
- Decadarchis hemiclistra Meyrick, 1911
- Dichromodes cynica Meyrick, 1911
- Erechthias hemiclistra (Meyrick, 1911)
- Gelechia glaucoterma Meyrick, 1911
- Glyphipterix bactrias Meyrick, 1911
- Glyphipterix dichorda Meyrick, 1911
- Glyphipterix erastis Meyrick, 1911
- Gracillaria eleas Meyrick, 1911
- Harmologa pontifica Meyrick, 1911
- Hydriomena lithurga Meyrick, 1911
- Hyssia falsidica Meyrick, 1911
- Ichneutica epiastra (Meyrick, 1911)
- Ichneutica falsidica (Meyrick, 1911)
- Leucania epiastra Meyrick, 1911
- Leucania lissoxyla Meyrick, 1911
- Notoreas atmogramma Meyrick, 1911
- Pasiphila melochlora (Meyrick, 1911)
- Scoparia dryphactis Meyrick, 1911
- Simaethis antigrapha Meyrick, 1911
- Simaethis colpota Meyrick, 1911
- Stathmopoda plumbiflua Meyrick, 1911
- Tinea astraea Meyrick, 1911
- Trachypepla amorbas Meyrick, 1911
- Trachypepla ingenua Meyrick, 1911
- Xanthorhoe cedrinodes Meyrick, 1911
- Xanthorhoe practica Meyrick, 1911
- Xanthorhoe prymnaea Meyrick, 1911
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22 April 2015