Koukol, Ondřej; Delgado, Gregorio 2021: Why morphology matters: the negative consequences of hasty descriptions of putative novelties in asexual ascomycetes. IMA Fungus 12(26)

Koukol, Ondřej; Delgado, Gregorio 2021: Why morphology matters: the negative consequences of hasty descriptions of putative novelties in asexual ascomycetes. IMA Fungus 12(26)
Taxonomic concepts
Camposporium valdivianum (Speg.) G. Delgado & Koukol
Endophragmiella valdiviana (Speg.) S. Hughes 1979
Exosporium ampullaceum (Petch) M.B. Ellis
Fusiconidium Jin F. Li, Phook. & K.D. Hyde
Fusoma tetracoilum Corda 1838
Helminthosporium ampullaceum Petch 1922
Helminthosporium valdivianum Speg. 1910
Heteroconium tetracoilum (Corda) M.B. Ellis
Lylea tetracoila (Corda) Hol.-Jech. 1978
Neopodoconis ampullacea (Petch) Rifai
Sporidesmium tetracoilum (Corda) G. Delgado & Koukol
Sporidesmium valdivianum (Speg.) M.B. Ellis
[Several recent papers have misidentified C. thailandense specimens as C. caribense
Recently, an alarming high number of imprecise species descriptions based on mixed phenotypic and molecular data together with insufficient understanding of previous species delimitations was revealed (Koukol et al. 2018; Koukol and Delgado 2019; Delgado et al. 2020). Six out of the 28 binomial names introduced in Hermatomyces (Index Fungorum http://www.indexfungorum.org/) were found to be later synonyms and other three are considered doubtful or described based on insufficient evidence, which gives an error rate of 32% of erroneously described species in a single genus. One of the reasons of this high rate is that many recently described species such as H. clematidis, H. bauhiniae, and H. trangensis amongst others, were introduced based on a single or at most two collections from the same site and host.
Cited scientific names
- Camposporium Harkn. 1884
- Camposporium valdivianum (Speg.) G. Delgado & Koukol 2021
- Canalisporium caribense (Hol.-Jech. & Mercado) Nawawi & Kuthub. 1989
- Endophragmiella valdiviana (Speg.) S. Hughes 1979
- Exosporium ampullaceum (Petch) M.B. Ellis 1961
- Fusiconidium Jin F. Li, Phook. & K.D. Hyde 2017
- Fusoma tetracoilum Corda 1838
- Helminthosporium ampullaceum Petch 1922
- Helminthosporium valdivianum Speg. 1910
- Hermatomyces Speg. 1910
- Heteroconium tetracoilum (Corda) M.B. Ellis 1976
- Lylea tetracoila (Corda) Hol.-Jech. 1978
- Neopodoconis ampullacea (Petch) Rifai 2008
- Sporidesmium tetracoilum (Corda) G. Delgado & Koukol 2021
- Sporidesmium valdivianum (Speg.) M.B. Ellis 1963
1 August 2022