Braun U, Piatek M, Scheuer C 2013: New species and new records of several phytopathogenic hyphomycetes. Schlechtendalia 25: 41-48.

Braun U, Piatek M, Scheuer C 2013: New species and new records of several phytopathogenic hyphomycetes. Schlechtendalia 25: 41-48.
Holotype: on Lophostemon confertus (R. Br.) Peter G. Wilson & J.T. Waterh. (Myrtaceae),
New Zealand, Auckland, Waikumete Cemetery, 8 July 2001, C.F. Hill 441 (HAL 2529 F).
Additional material examined (paratypes): on Lophostemon confertus, New Zealand, Auckland, Remuera, 23 Oct. 1991, D. Hayes (NZFRI 3427); Auckland, zoo, 12 June 2001, C.F. Hill (HAL 2530 F); on Lophostemon sp., New Plymouth, Te Hunui Cemetery, 13 Sep. 1994, B. Rogan (NZFRI 3540) and 29 Sep. 1999, B. Rogan (NZFRI 4015).
Additional material examined (paratypes): on Lophostemon confertus, New Zealand, Auckland, Remuera, 23 Oct. 1991, D. Hayes (NZFRI 3427); Auckland, zoo, 12 June 2001, C.F. Hill (HAL 2530 F); on Lophostemon sp., New Plymouth, Te Hunui Cemetery, 13 Sep. 1994, B. Rogan (NZFRI 3540) and 29 Sep. 1999, B. Rogan (NZFRI 4015).
Based on close morphological similarity, Braun (2001) and Braun et al. (2003) identified
Pseudocercospora on Lophostemon in New Zealand as P. sawadae (W. Yamam.) Goh & W.H.
Hsieh, a species described from Taiwan on Psidium guajava L. However, the two host genera,
Lophostemon (Myrtaceae tribe Lophostemoneae) and Psidium (Myrtaceae tribe Myrteae), are
not closely allied (Wilson et al. 2005). The true P. sawadae, which has often been confused
with P. psidii var. varians U. Braun & Urtiaga (Braun & Urtiaga 2012), is possibly confined to
Taiwan and endemic, whereas Pseudocercospora on Lophostemon is confined to New Zealand.
In addition, there are some morphological differences. The lesions (leaf spots) caused by
Pseudocercospora on Lophostemon are quite distinct from those of P. sawadae on Psidium, and
the conidia are always solitary and up to 10-septate (usually 3–5-septate in P. sawadae,
occasionally catenulate, Chupp 1954, Goh & Hsieh 1990). Therefore, collections on Lophostemon in New Zealand are considered to represent a separate species described as
Pseudocercospora lophostemonicola.
Cited scientific names
19 April 2024