Vaghefi, Niloofar; Kikkert, Julie R.; Hay, Frank S.; Carver, Gavriela D.; Koenick, Lori B.; Bolton, Melvin D.; Hanson, Linda E.; Secor, Gary A.; Pethybridge, Sarah J. 2018: Cryptic diversity, pathogenicity, and evolutionary species boundaries in Cercospora populations associated with Cercospora leaf spot of Beta vulgaris. Fungal Biology 122(4): 264-282.

Vaghefi, Niloofar; Kikkert, Julie R.; Hay, Frank S.; Carver, Gavriela D.; Koenick, Lori B.; Bolton, Melvin D.; Hanson, Linda E.; Secor, Gary A.; Pethybridge, Sarah J. 2018: Cryptic diversity, pathogenicity, and evolutionary species boundaries in Cercospora populations associated with Cercospora leaf spot of Beta vulgaris. Fungal Biology 122(4): 264-282.
Similarly, two Cercospora sp. G isolates collected from table beet were not pathogenic to table beet and potentially secondary invaders of necrotic lesions caused by other Cercospora species. This species has only been reported from New Zealand and Iran, from multiple plant families, including Amaranthaceae, Asteraceae, Cucurbitaceae, Lamiaceae, and Malvaceae (Groenewald et al., 2013; Bakhshi et al., 2015a). Further research is required to understand the pathogenicity of these isolates on other crops grown in rotation with table beet in New York to identify their primary host(s).
Cited scientific names
20 March 2018