Dieffenbach, E. 1843: List of Annulose Animals hitherto recorded as found in New Zealand with descriptions of some new species by Messrs. Adam White and Edward Doubleday. In: Travels in New Zealand: with contributions to the geography, geology, botany and natural history of the country. Vol.2. London, John Murray. 265-295.

Dieffenbach, E. 1843: List of Annulose Animals hitherto recorded as found in New Zealand with descriptions of some new species by Messrs. Adam White and Edward Doubleday. In: Travels in New Zealand: with contributions to the geography, geology, botany and natural history of the country. Vol.2. London, John Murray. 265-295.
Chapter in book (in series)
Cited scientific names
- Aspilates subochraria Doubleday, 1843
- Calliprason sinclairi White, 1843
- Calliprason White, 1843
- Cidaria cinerearia Doubleday, 1843
- Cidaria rosearia Doubleday, 1843
- Crambus flexuosellus Doubleday, 1843
- Crambus ramosellus Doubleday, 1843
- Crambus vittellus Doubleday, 1843
- Cymindis dieffenbachii White, 1843
- Diasemia grammalis Doubleday, 1843
- Hepialus virescens Doubleday, 1843
- Lycaena edna Doubleday, 1843
- Margaritia cordalis Doubleday, 1843
- Margaritia flavidalis Doubleday, 1843
- Margaritia quadralis Doubleday, 1843
- Prionoplus reticularis White, 1843
- Prionoplus White, 1843
- Ptychopoda rubraria Doubleday, 1843
- Ptychopoda rubropunctaria Doubleday, 1843
23 September 2014
23 September 2014