Wright, A.E. 1984: Beilschmiedia Nees (Lauraceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 22: 109–125.

Wright, A.E. 1984: Beilschmiedia Nees (Lauraceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 22: 109–125.
Taxonomic concepts
Laurus tarairi A.Cunn.
Laurus victoriana Colenso
Nesodaphne tawa (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
Trees and shrubs with alternate to opposite leaves; flowers in axillary panicles borne near the growing tips of branches, dense and fascicle-like or lax and pedunculate, perfect; perianth tube short, segments 6, sub-equal; fertile stamens 9, in 3 series, the two outer with introrse anthers and eglandular filaments, the third with extrorse anthers and basally biglandular filaments; sterile stamens 3, innermost, reduced to staminodes; fruit baccate or drupaceous, erect or pendulous.
Evergreen tree to 22 m tall; trunk to 1 m diam.; wood pale brown, straight grained; bark smooth, dark brown, often obscured by lighter coloured lichen growth; branching monopodial to give a crown of stout, spreading branches; branchlets, young leaves, petioles and inflorescence branchlets densely clad in reddish brown tornentum; leaves closely alternate, simple, coriaceous, on petioles (8-)10(-12)mm long; midrib stout, slightly sinuous, prominent above and below; leaf laminae wide-elliptic to wide-obovate, (37-)49-72(- 84) × (26-)34-47(-56) mm, dark green and glabrous above with impressed veins, glaucous below with stout veins covered in reddish brown tomentum, margins entire and revolute, apex rounded to retuse and mucronate, venation reticulodromous; inflorescence an erect, axillary panicle to 100 mm long but generally shorter, stoutly branched with dense clusters of flowers; floral bracts 2-3 mm long, lanceolate, with dense reddish brown tomentum; flowers perfect, on short pedicels, 3-5 mm diam. greenish (this colour sometimes obscured by dense reddish brown tomentum), perianth of 6 segments, stamens 12 (arranged as for genus), ovary unilocular and superior; drupes erect, ellipsoid to ovoid, (27-)31(-35) × (14-)16(-18)mm, 1-seeded, pericarp fleshy, dark purple when ripe, glaucous.
Evergreen tree to 35 m tall; trunk to 1.2 m diam. with buttressed roots when mature; wood white to creamy brown, straight grained; bark smooth, dark brown, often obscured by lighter coloured lichen growth; branching monopodial to give a deep crown of slender to moderately robust branches; branchlets, young leaves, petioles and inflorescence branchlets at first finely pubescent, later ± glabrous; hairs pale golden, simple; leaves opposite to sub-opposite, simple, thinly coriaceous, on petioles (6-)8(-10) mm long; midrib slender to moderate, straight, prominent below; leaf laminae narrow-elliptic, occasionally lanceolate, (31—)43— 73(-86) × (8-)ll-16(-20)mm, yellow-green and glabrous above, glaucous with scattered pale golden hairs below, margins entire and undulate, apex acute to acuminate to shortly caudate, venation reticulodromous; inflorescence an erect, axillary panicle to 100 mm long, lax and pedunculate, bracts narrow-lanceolate and caducous, each flower subtended by 1 or more minute bracteoles; flowers perfect, on pedicels 3-5 mm long, 2-3 mm diam., pale green, perianth of 6 segments, ovate to oblong, stamens 12 (arranged as for genus), ovary unilocular and superior; drupes pendulous, ellipsoid to ovoid, (23-)28(-33) × (9-)12(-15) mm, 1-seeded, pericarp fleshy, ripening through red to dark purple or almost black, glaucous or shiny.
Evergreen tree to 18 m tall, more commonly 8-10 m; trunk 0.5 m diam.; wood creamy-brown, straight grained; bark smooth, very dark brown, often obscured by crustose lichen growth; branching monopodial to give a broad, dense crown of robust branches; branchlets, young leaves, petioles, inflorescence branches at first finely pubescent, later more or less glabrous; hairs pale golden, simple; leaves opposite to sub-opposite, simple, coriaceous, on petioles (8-)10(-12)mm long; midrib moderately stout, straight, prominent below; leaf laminae elliptic, occasionally ovate, (35- 48-82(-95) × (16-)22-30(-37)mm, shiny dark green and glabrous above, glaucous with scattered pale golden hairs below, margins entire and undulate (revolute in exposed leaves), apex bluntly acute or acuminate to shortly caudate, venation reticulodromous; inflorescence an erect axillary panicle to 100 mm long, lax and pedunculate, inflorescence branches pale green; bracts narrow-lanceolate and caducous, each flower subtended by one or more persistent bracteoles; flowers perfect, on pedicels 4-9 mm long, 3-4 mm diam., pale green, perianth of 6 segments, perianth segments widely ovate, stamens 12 (arranged as for the genus), ovary unilocular and superior; drupe pendulous, ellipsoid to ovoid, (19-)28(-37) × (10-)14(-18)mm, 1-seeded, pericarp fleshy, ripening through red to dark purple, glaucous or shiny.
Arbor ad 18 m; foliis oppositis, ellipticis interdum ovatis, 48-82 × 18-30 mm, acuminatis vel caudatis, suburidulatis, venis ramosissimis venulisque minutissime reticulatis, supra glabris atro-viridis nitidis, subtus glaucis adpresso-sericeis; inflorescentiis paniculatis axillaribus; ramulis, petiolisque foliorum juniorum tomentosis, pilis simplicibus pallido-aureis; floribus 3-4 mm diameter, bracteis caducis, bracteolis minutis; perianthio sex-partito, segmentis late ovatis; antheris 12; ovario superiore uniloculari; drupa ellipsoidea vel ovoidea, 30-40 mm longa, uni-seminali, pericarpio atropurpureo.
Identification keys
Reproduced with permission from New Zealand Journal of Botany and The Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
Cited scientific names
19 March 2018