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Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980

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Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus
Type USA

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Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980

New Zealand: NORTHLAND: Puketi S.F., Picnic Area, Bush Walk, on Knightia excelsa, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, 16.IV.1982 (PDD) 44688). AUCKLAND: Waitakere Ra., Piha Valley, Cowan Track, on Rubus cissoides A. Cunn., P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, R. H. Petersen, 27.IV.1983 (PDD 44687); Waitakere Ra., Swanson, University Hut, on Knightia excelsa, P. R. Johnston, 31.111.1983 (PDD 44686); Waitakere Ra., Kauri Knoll Track, on Dracophyllum latifolium A. Cunn., P. R. Johnston, E. M. Gibellini, IO.VII.1983 (PDD 44678); Waitakere Ra., Walkers Bush Track, on Cordyline sp., P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, E. H. C McKenzie, 4.VIII.1982 (PDD 44689); Beachhaven, on Dracophyllum sp., P. R. Johnston, 30.X.1983 (PDD 44681); Waitakere Ra., Sharps Bush, on Leptospermum scoparium, P. R. Johnston, 14.XI.1983 (PDD 44680); Waitakere Ra., Kauri Knoll Track, on Dracophyllum latifolium, P. R. Johnston, 28.XI.1983 (PDD 44679). COROMANDEL: Papa Aroha, Rautawhake Stream, on Metrosideros fulgens, P. R. Johnston, E. M. Gibellini, 12.VIII.1984 (PDD 45363); Little Barrier Island, vic. E. Cape, 100 in., Track 16, on Knightia excelsa, P. R. Johnston, R. E. Beever, E. P. Laracy, 16.VI.1984 (PDD 47066). TARANAKI: Mt. Egmont, Puniho Track, on Weinmannia racemosa, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, R. H. Petersen, 25.IV.1983 (Pt)D 44685); ibid., on Knightia excelsa (PDD 44684). NELSON: Mt. Dunn Walkway, on Weinmannia racemosa, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, R. H. Petersen, R. E. Beever, 20.IV.1983 (PDD 44683). WESTLAND: Fox Glacier, Minehaha Track, on Dicksonia squarrosa, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, R. E. Beever, 8.IV.1983 (PDD 44682); Haast Pass, Robinsons Creek, on Nothofagus menziesii, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, R. H. Petersen, R. E. Beever, 12.IV.1983 (PDD 43961).

North America: USA: Virginia, Dismal Creek, on Rhododendron sp., C. L. Shear, 16. X. 1935 (Holotype, BPI).

Ascocarps found on fallen leaves, more commonly on lower surface, in pale brown to yellow lesions. Lesions not associated with zone lines. Ascocarps 5-6 sided, more or less round in outline, 0.5-1 mm diam. Upper wall black to dark grey with broad, pale zones along future lines of opening, or more or less concolorous with surrounding host tissue, apart from narrow, black line marking edge of ascocarp. Opening by 4-6 splits in the covering layer, with the folded-back flaps of tissue often eroding to widely expose the yellow hymenium. No lip cells. Pycnidia absent.

Ascocarps subepidermal. In vertical section upper stromatal layer 10-12 µm wide, of three to four layers of pale brown to hyaline cells, thin walled. rounded, 2.5-5 µm diam. Lower stromatal layer 20-30 µm wide, of three to four layers dark brown, more or less globose cells, thick walled, up to 8 µm diam. Subhymenium 20-30 µm wide, of hyaline, thin walled cells. Excipulum developing from the marginal paraphyses. Excipular elements becoming swollen, 4-5 µm diam., and closely septate near apices, septa 4-10 µm apart.

Paraphyses 2 µm diam., swollen to 4-6 µm diam. at the clavate apices, embedded in yellow gel, extending 15-20 µm beyond asci. Asci cylindric. 102-156 x 4.5-6.5(-7) µm, apex rounded wall thickened to 1.5-2.5 µm at apex with a small central pore, non-amyloid, 8-spored. Ascospores filiform, (77-)88-108 x 1-1.8 µm, tapering to one end, 0-1 septate, more or less straight when released, distinct gelatinous sheath.

CHARACTERISTICS IN CULTURE: A low percentage of the ascospores of PDD 43961 and PDD 44685 germinated on agar plates. Colonies on oatmeal agar 5-8 cm diam. after 10 weeks; aerial mycelium dense, erect, cottony, white, with small, scattered patches of black, stringy hyphae; agar not discoloured. Remaining sterile.

Found in New Zealand on fallen leaves of a wide range of host plants, including Knightia excelsa, Dracophyllum species, Weinmannia racemosa, Leptospermum scoparium J. R. et G. Forst., Dicksonia squarrosa, Metrosideros fulgens, and Nothofagus menziesii. Previously known from North and South America on Rhododendron species and other, unidentified hosts (Sherwood 1980).
The collections of this species from New Zealand were indistinguishable from the type specimen of C. radiatus in both macroscopic and microscopic appearance. Sherwood (1980) described the ascospore length as 60-75 µm. In my study of the type specimen ascospores of up to 98 µm long were seen. This matched spore lengths from the New Zealand collections. C radiatus is often found mixed on the same leaf with other Rhytismataceous taxa, and various species belonging to Lophodermium and Hypoderma.

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Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood (1980)
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood (1980)
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood (1980)
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood (1980)
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood (1980)
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood (1980)
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood (1980)

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Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Cook Islands
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
United States

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Type USA

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scientific name
10 May 2011
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